| Availability, Latency, and Cost: Withstanding Regional Outages | SREcon18 Europe | Aaron Blohowiak |
| Lightning Talks | SREcon18 Europe | |
| The Silver Lining Consortium: Post-Mortems for the Rest of Us | SREcon18 Europe | Niall Murphy |
| Data Protection Update and Tales from the Introduction of the GDPR | SREcon18 Europe | Simon McGarr |
| Y2K and Other Disappointing Disasters: Risk Reduction and Harm Mitigation | SREcon18 Europe | Heidi Waterhouse |
| Characterizing and Understanding Phases of SRE Practices | SREcon18 Asia | Kurt Andersen |
| A Theory and Practice of Alerting with Service Level Objectives | SREcon18 Asia | Jamie Wilkinson |
| Building Successful SRE in Large Enterprises—One Year Later | SREcon18 Americas | Dave Rensin |
| What Makes a Good SRE: Findings from the SRE Survey | SREcon18 Europe | Dawn Parzych |
| The History of Fire Escapes | SREcon18 Americas | Tanya Reilly |
| Breaking in a New Job as an SRE | SREcon18 Americas | Amy Tobey |
| Resolving Outages Faster with Better Debugging Strategies | SREcon18 Americas | Liz Fong-Jones, Adam Mckaig |
| Leveraging Multiple Regions to Improve Site Reliability: Lessons Learned from Jet.com | SREcon18 Americas | Andrew Duch |
| Operational Excellence in April Fools’ Pranks: Being Funny Is Serious Work! | SREcon18 Americas | Thomas Limoncelli |
| Automatic Metric Screening for Service Diagnosis | SREcon18 Americas | Yu Chen |
| Your System Has Recovered from an Incident, but Have Your Developers? | SREcon18 Americas | Jaime Woo |
| Architecting a Technical Post Mortem | SREcon18 Americas | Will Gallego |
| Building Shopify's PaaS on Kubernetes | SREcon18 Americas | Karan Thukral |
| Distributed Tracing, Lessons Learned | SREcon18 Americas | Gina Maini |
| Approaching the Unacceptable Workload Boundary | SREcon18 Americas | Baron Schwartz |
| "Capacity Prediction" instead of "Capacity Planning": How Uber Uses ML to Accurately Forecast Resource Utilization | SREcon18 Americas | Rick Boone |
| Junior Engineers Are Features, Not Bugs | SREcon18 Americas | Kate Taggart |
| Security as a Service | SREcon18 Americas | Wojciech Wojtyniak |
| Containerization War Stories | SREcon18 Americas | Ruth Grace Wong, Rodrigo Menezes |
| Antics, Drift, and Chaos | SREcon18 Americas | Lorin Hochstein |