Calls for Papers and Calls for Participation
Publish and Present Your Work at USENIX Conferences
The program committees of the following conferences are seeking submissions. CiteSeer ranks the USENIX Conference Proceedings among the the top ten highest-impact publication venues for computer science. By submitting a paper to a USENIX conference, you have the opportunity to present your work directly to your peers and to share it with a wide audience of readers of the Proceedings. Please see our Conference Submissions Policy.
Please note: All submission deadline times listed below are for the Pacific time zone. See the original CFP for submission deadlines that are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
VehicleSec '25: 3rd USENIX Symposium on Vehicle Security and PrivacyAugust 11, 2025–August 12, 2025, Seattle, WA, United States
Paper submissions due: February 28, 2025 - 3:59 amA vehicle is a machine that transports people and/or goods in one or more physical domains, such as on the ground (e.g., cars, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, scooters, trains), in the air (e.g., drones, airplanes, helicopters), in the water (e.g., ships, boats, watercraft), and in space (e.g., spacecraft). Due to their safety and mission-critical nature, the security and privacy of vehicles can pose direct threats to passengers, owners, operators, and the infrastructure. Recent improvements in vehicle autonomy and connectivity (e.g., autonomous driving, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, intelligent transportation systems, and swarm robotics) have also served to exacerbate security and privacy challenges and thus require urgent attention from academia, industry, and policy-makers. To meet this critical need, VehicleSec aims to bring together an audience of university researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and government representatives to contribute new theories, technologies, and systems on any security/privacy issues related to vehicles (e.g., ground, aerial, in/on water, space), their sub-systems (e.g., in-vehicle networks, autonomy, connectivity, human-machine interfaces), supporting infrastructures (e.g., transportation infrastructure, charging station, ground control station), and related fundamental technologies (e.g., sensing, control, AI/ML/DNN/LLM, wireless communication, real-time computing, edge computing, location service, simulation, digital twin, multi-agent protocol/system design, and human-machine interaction).
WOOT '25: 19th USENIX WOOT Conference on Offensive TechnologiesAugust 11, 2025–August 12, 2025, Seattle, WA, United States
Up-and-coming track paper submissions due: March 5, 2025 - 3:59 amThe USENIX WOOT Conference on Offensive Technologies brings together both academics and practitioners in the field of offensive security research. Occurring annually since 2007, when it was first founded as the Workshop on Offensive Technologies, WOOT has become the top venue for collaboration between academia, independent hackers, and industry participants on offensive research. As offensive security has changed over the years to become a large-scale operation managed by well-capitalized actors, WOOT has consistently attracted a range of high-quality, peer-reviewed work from academia and industry on novel attacks, state-of-the-art tools, and offensive techniques.
WOOT '25 welcomes submissions from academia, independent researchers, students, hackers, and industry. Two different submission tracks are available—an academic "classic" track for those intending to submit complete formal academic papers and an "up-and-coming" track for new or non-academic researchers who may be less familiar with academic procedures and may desire assistance writing a paper or just additional feedback and reviews.
FAST '26: 24th USENIX Conference on File and Storage TechnologiesFebruary 24, 2026–February 26, 2026, Santa Clara, CA, United States
Spring paper submissions due: March 19, 2025 - 3:59 amThe 24th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '26) brings together researchers and practitioners to explore new directions in the design, implementation, evaluation, and deployment of systems related to storage. The program committee interprets storage-related systems broadly: submissions on low-level storage devices, distributed storage systems, information and data management, as well as other systems interconnected with storage are all of interest.