| Scaling SRE Organizations: The Journey from 1 to Many Teams | SREcon19 Americas | Gustavo Franco |
| An Introduction to GraphQL | SREcon19 Americas | Nat Welch |
| Migrating a Monolith to the Cloud | SREcon19 Americas | Keyur Govande |
| Using PRDs and User Journeys to Design User-Friendly Tools | SREcon19 Americas | Gwendolyn Stockman |
| Shipping Software with an SRE Mindset | SREcon19 Americas | Theo Schlossnagle |
| Tackling Kafka, with a Small Team | SREcon19 Americas | Jaren Glover |
| Creating a Code Review Culture | SREcon19 Americas | Johnathan Turner |
| Testing in Production at Scale | SREcon19 Americas | Amit Gud |
| The Ops in Serverless | SREcon19 Americas | Jennifer Davis |
| Benefits of Taking the Less Traveled Road with Containers Infrastructure | SREcon19 Americas | Eduard Iacoboaia |
| Capacity Prediction in External Services | SREcon19 Americas | Jerome Kraus |
| Aperture: A Non-Cooperative, Client-Side Load Balancing Algorithm | SREcon19 Americas | Ruben Oanta |
| What Breaks Our Systems: A Taxonomy of Black Swans | SREcon19 Americas | Laura Nolan |
| Lightning Talks | SREcon19 Americas | |
| Why Are Distributed Systems So Hard? | SREcon19 Americas | Denise Yu |
| Resilience Engineering Mythbusting | SREcon19 Americas | Will Gallego |
| Mindfulness in SRE: Monitoring and Alerting for One's Self | SREcon19 Americas | Tommy Lutz |
| From Black Box to a Known Quantity: How to Build Predictable, Reliable ML-based Services | SREcon19 Americas | Salim Virji, Carlos Villavieja |
| You Don't Have to Love Your Job | SREcon19 Americas | Leslie Carr |
| Designing Resilient Data Pipelines | SREcon19 Americas | Andrew Bolin |
| Automating the Management of the Operational Health of Cloud Accounts at Scale | SREcon19 Americas | Jamie Walls |
| Madaari: Ordering for the Monkeys | SREcon19 Americas | Ashutosh Raina, Ramprasad Ellupuru |
| Sublinear Scaling in Practice: The 1k SRE Project | SREcon19 Americas | Nikolaus Rath |
| Learning from Learnings: Anatomy of Three Incidents | SREcon19 Americas | Randy Shoup |
| The Curse of SRE Autonomy and How to Manage It | SREcon19 Americas | Richard Bondi |