
Search results

    Human Observability of Incident ResponseSREcon23 AmericasMatt Davis
    How SRE Makes Electric VehiclesSREcon23 AmericasAdam Shake
    Founder/CTO Perspectives: The Future of Distributed TracingSREcon23 AmericasCharity Majors, David Cramer, Maggie Johnson-Pint
    An Organizational Response to Incidents: Designing for Smooth Coordination in High Tempo, Large Scale Software Incident ResponseSREcon23 AmericasLaura Maguire
    Incident Archaeology: Extracting Value from Paperwork and NarrativesSREcon23 AmericasClint Byrum
    Measuring Real-Life Latency of the Internet: A Netflix StorySREcon23 AmericasThiara Ortiz
    Avoiding Cachepocalypse in the Land of the MonolithSREcon23 AmericasDavid Amin
    Building an APM with OpenTelemetry and OpenSourceSREcon23 AmericasGoutham Veeramachaneni
    Seeing the Invisible: Two Years at Wikipedia with W3C's Network Error LoggingSREcon23 AmericasChris Danis
    Turning an Incident Report into a Design Issue with TLA+SREcon23 AmericasA. Finn Hackett, Markus Alexander Kuppe
    Why This Stuff Is HardSREcon23 AmericasLorin Hochstein
    The Making of an Ultra Low Latency Trading System with Go and JavaSREcon23 AmericasYucong Sun, Jonathan Ting
    Resiliency Practices in Managing CDN (Content Delivery Network)SREcon23 AmericasYeshwenth Jayaraman
    Confessions of an SRE ManagerSREcon23 AmericasAndrew Hatch
    Beacon: Intelligent Latency-Aware and Load Shedding Service RoutingSREcon23 AmericasJason Griggs, Huajun Qin
    Building a Diverse SRE Talent PipelineSREcon23 AmericasSalim Virji, Alex Gornet
    Cognitive Apprenticeship in Practice with Alert Triage Hour of PowerSREcon23 AmericasPaige Cruz
    The Best SREs Seem to Be the Ones without an SRE Title—And What We Can Do about It?SREcon23 AmericasKishore Jalleda
    Lessons Learned from 7 Years of Running Developer PlatformsSREcon23 AmericasTony McCulley
    Handover Communications in Software Operations: Findings from the FieldSREcon23 AmericasChad Todd
    SRE in Transition: From Startup to Established BusinessSREcon23 AmericasLaura de Vesine
    On the Wings of SREs; J.P. Morgan's Journey into the CloudSREcon23 AmericasFred Moyer
    Incident Commanders to Incident Analysts: How We Got HereSREcon23 AmericasVanessa Huerta Granda, Emily Ruppe
    Epic Incidents of History: The 1979 NORAD Nuclear Near MissSREcon23 AmericasNick Travaglini
    OpenTelemetry Metrics 101SREcon23 AmericasReese Lee
