| Commas Save Lives, or at Least LinkedIn | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Todd Palino |
| Deep Dive: Azure Resource Manager Outage | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Benjamin Pannell, Brendan Burns |
| How We Drained Every Backbone Router Simultaneously | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Francois Richard |
| Diamonds with Flaws: Examining the Pressures, Realities, and Future of Site Reliability Engineering | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Alex Hidalgo |
| Is Our Team as Resilient as Our Systems? | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Effie Mouzeli |
| Life after The Chocolate Factory | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Murali Suriar, Emil Stolarsky |
| How We Implemented High Throughput Logging at Spotify | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Lauren Muhlhauser |
| Market Data: Applying SRE Techniques to Legacy Designs | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | George Brighton |
| Hunting for Risky Dependencies in the World of Microservices | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Theo Klein |
| The Biases Confronting SREs | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | David Owczarek |
| Building Dynamic Configuration into Terraform | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Isabelle Miller, Hosh Sadiq |
| SLOs, SREs, and GHGs | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Bill Johnson |
| Crayon Drawing Is a Vital Engineering Skill | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Murali Suriar |
| Engineering for Sustainability | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Namrata Namrata |
| Measuring Reliability: What Got Us Here Won't Get Us There | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Štěpán Davidovič |
| Financial Regulators Worldwide Are Getting the Legal Right to Regulate the Operational Resilience of Big Cloud Service Providers | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Andrew Ellam |
| Oncall: An Equal Opportunity Waste of Time | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Dave O'Connor |
| Statistics for Engineers | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Heinrich Hartmann |
| SRE as She Is Spoke | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Andrew Clay Shafer |
| Knowledge and Power: A Sociotechnical Systems Discussion on the Future of SRE | SREcon22 Europe/Middle East/Africa | Laura Maguire, Lorin Hochstein |
| Modeling Alert Quality | SREcon22 Americas | Moshe Zadka |
| The 'Success' in SRE Is Silent | SREcon22 Americas | Casey Rosenthal |
| History-based Latency Prober Tuning | SREcon22 Americas | Jeff Borwey |
| Ten-year Journey to 10,000 Production Machines | SREcon22 Americas | Rob Hirschfeld |
| Building a Path to the Future: Mentoring New SREs | SREcon22 Americas | Chastity Blackwell |