
Search results

    Beyond Goldilocks ReliabilitySREcon21Narayan Desai
    SRE "Power Words"—the Lexicon of SRE as an IndustrySREcon21Dave O'Connor
    Learning More from Complex SystemsSREcon21Andrew Hatch
    User Uptime in PracticeSREcon21Anika Mukherji
    Practical TLS Advice for Large InfrastructureSREcon21Mark Hahn, Ted Hahn
    Improving Observability in Your Observability: Simple Tips for SREsSREcon21Dan Shoop
    Evolution of Incident Management at SlackSREcon21D. Brent Chapman
    Automating Performance Tuning with Machine LearningSREcon21Stefano Doni
    Hacking ML into Your OrganizationSREcon21Cathy Chen
    SRE for ML: The First 10 Years and the Next 10SREcon21Todd Underwood
    What If the Promise of AIOps Was True?SREcon21Niall Murphy
    Demystifying Machine Learning in Production: Reasoning about a Large-Scale ML PlatformSREcon21Mary McGlohon
    How We Built Out Our SRE Department to Support over 100 Million Users for the World's 3rd Biggest Mobile MarketplaceSREcon21Sinéad O'Reilly
    Horizontal Data Freshness Monitoring in Complex PipelinesSREcon21Alexey Skorikov
    Microservices above the Cloud—Designing the International Space Station for ReliabilitySREcon21Robert Barron
    Grand National 2021: Managing Extreme Online Demand at William HillSREcon21Matthew Berridge, Josh Allenby
    DevOps Ten Years After: Review of a Failure with John Allspaw and Paul HammondSREcon21Thomas Depierre, John Allspaw, Paul Hammond
    From 15,000 Database Connections to under 100—A Tech Debt TaleSREcon21Sunny Beatteay
    Let's Bring System Dynamics Back to CS!SREcon21Marianne Bellotti
    Trustworthy Graceful Degradation: Fault Tolerance across Service BoundariesSREcon21Daniel Rodgers-Pryor
    A Principled Approach to Monitoring Streaming Data Infrastructure at ScaleSREcon21Eric Schow, Praveen Yedidi
    Watching the Watchers: Generating Absent Alerts for PrometheusSREcon21Nick Spain
    SLX: An Extended SLO Framework to Expedite Incident RecoverySREcon21Qian Ding, Xuan Zhang
    MySQL and InnoDB Performance for the Rest of UsSREcon21Shaun O'Keefe
    Need for SPEED: Site Performance Efficiency, Evaluation and DecisionSREcon21Kingsum Chow, Zhihao Chang
