LISA '13: Build a Sysadmin Sandbox — Interview with David N. Blank-Edelman

On Sunday, November 3, David Blank-Edelman will teaching a half-day training session at LISA '13: Build a Sysadmin Sandbox. In this interview, he offers a preview of his session. 

LISA '13 early bird registration and hotel discount has been extended until October 22, so register now for the greatest savings.

Interview with Leslie Hawthorn: LISA '13 Workshop on Recognizing and Overcoming Bias

Next month in Washington, D.C., Leslie Hawthorn and Sheeri Cabral will lead a half-day LISA '13 workshop, Recognizing and Overcoming Bias — Ways to Make Your Workplace More Successful and Welcoming. In this interview, Leslie Hawthorn, community manager at Elasticsearch, offers a preview of what the workshop will offer.

The LISA '13 early bird registration and hotel discount has been extended until October 22.

50 Things to Do in DC During the Government Shutdown

LISA '13

Register for LISA '13 by October 15, 2013 for the greatest savings.

Impostor Syndrome-Proof Yourself and Your Community

Impostor Syndrome-Proof Yourself and Your Community is a guest post by Mary Gardiner and Valerie Aurora. Mary Gardiner is the Director of Operations and Research for The Ada Initiative. Valerie Aurora is the Executive Director of The Ada Initiative. This article is the second installment in our new USENIX Women in Advanced Computing (WiAC) series.

How to Write a Talk Proposal

How to Write a Talk Proposal is a guest post by Dawn Foster, Puppet Labs community manager. This article is the first installment in our new USENIX Women in Advanced Computing (WiAC) series.

Interview with LISA '13 Blog Team lead Matt Simmons

In a fit of meta-ness, I decided to interview Matt Simmons. He is a well-respected blogger and has become a LISA fixture. Every year, the blog team chronicles LISA events for posterity. Here Matt tells us a litle bit more about the team.

Ben Cotton: This is your 5th year on the blog team and your 4th as team lead. What brought you here, and what keeps you coming back?

LISA '13: Show Your Badge Program

As you're planning your trip to Washington, D.C. for LISA '13, be sure to check out the Show Your Badge site. Your USENIX LISA '13 badge will help you save money at area attractions, restaurants, and shops, and will get you discounts on tours, transportation, and at performing arts events.  Here's how it works:

1. Go to

Interview with Shumon Huque on his DNSSEC class

Shumon Huque is teaching two classes at LISA13: DNSSEC and IPv6. I'd already had the chance to interview him about IPv6, but I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I badgered him about the DNSSEC classs, and he was gracious enough to answer. Thanks Shumon! Here's what he had to say: 

Interview with SESA '13 Chair Kyrre Begnum

This year, a brand new conference is co-located with LISA. The inaugural Summit for Educators in System Administration (SESA) is a one-day conference bringing together educators from around the globe. The program includes invited talks, a poster session, mini workshops, and an evening BoF. Early bird registration is available through October 15.


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