
Search results

    LISA '06A Forensic Analysis of a Distributed Two-Stage Web-Based Spam Attack Daniel V. Klein
    LISA '06Firewall Analysis with Policy-Based Host Classification Robert Marmorstein, Phil Kearns
    LISA '06Secure Mobile Code Execution Service Lap-chung Lam, Yang Yu, Tzi-cker Chiueh
    LISA '06FLAIM: A Multi-level Anonymization Framework for Computer and Network Logs Adam Slagell, Kiran Lakkaraju, Katherine Luo
    LISA '06Centralized Security Policy Support for Virtual MachineNguyen Anh Quynh, Ruo Ando, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    LISA '05A1: Spreadsheet-based Scripting for Developing Web ToolsEben M. Haber, Eser Kandogan, Allen Cypher, Paul P. Maglio, Rob Barrett
    LISA '05Hostdb: The Best Damn host2DNS/DHCP Script Ever WrittenThomas Limoncelli
    LISA '05Solaris Service Management Facility: Modern System Startup and AdministrationJonathan Adams, David Bustos, Stephen Hahn, David Powell, Liane Praza
    LISA '05Towards a Deep-Packet-Filter Toolkit for Securing Legacy ResourcesJames Deverick
    LISA '05Administering Access Control in Dynamic CoalitionsRakesh Bobba, Serban Gavrila, Virgil Gligor, Himanshu Khurana, Radostina Koleva
    LISA '05Manage People, Not Userids
    LISA '05Open Network Administrator (ONA)—A Web-based Network Management ToolBruce Campbell, Robyn Landers
    LISA '05An Open Source Solution for Testing NAT'd and Nested iptables FirewallsRobert Marmorstein, Phil Kearns
    LISA '05Towards Network AwarenessEvan Hughes, Anil Somayaji
    LISA '05Toward a Cost Model for System AdministrationAlva L. Couch, Ning Wu, Hengky Susanto
    LISA '05Voluntary Cooperation in Pervasive Computing ServicesMark Burgess, Kyrre Begnum
    LISA '05Network Configuration Management via Model FindingSanjai Narain
    LISA '05Visualizing NetFlows for Security at Line Speed: The SIFT Tool SuiteWilliam Yurcik
    LISA '05Interactive Traffic Analysis and Visualization with Wisconsin NetpyCristian Estan, Garret Magin
    LISA '05NetViewer: A Network Traffic Visualization and Analysis ToolSeong Soo Kim, A.L. Narasimha Reddy
    LISA '05Reducing Downtime Due to System Maintenance and UpgradesShaya Potter, Jason Nieh
    LISA '05About the Integration of Mac OS X Devices into a Centrally Managed UNIX EnvironmentAnton Schultschik
    LISA '05RegColl: Centralized Registry Framework for Infrastructure System ManagementBrent ByungHoon Kang, Vikram Sharma, Pratik Thanki
    LISA '05Herding Cats: Managing a Mobile UNIX PlatformMaarten Thibaut, Wout Mertens
    LISA '05GULP: A Unified Logging Architecture for Authentication DataMatt Selsky, Daniel Medina
