
Search results

    OSDI '04Automated Worm FingerprintingSumeet Singh, Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Stefan Savage
    OSDI '04Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes in Internet ServicesKiran Nagaraja, Fábio Oliveira, Ricardo Bianchini, Richard P. Martin, Thu D. Nguyen
    OSDI '04Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the HaystackAndrew Whitaker, Richard S. Cox, Steven D. Gribble
    OSDI '04Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and AvailabilityRobbert van Renesse, Fred B. Schneider
    WORLDS '04Global-scale Service Deployment in the XenoServer PlatformEvangelos Kotsovinos, Tim Moreton, Ian Pratt, Russ Ross, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Tim Harris
    WORLDS '04Safely Harnessing Wide Area Surrogate Computing or How to Avoid Building the Perfect Platform for Network Attacks Sachin Goyal, John Carter
    WORLDS '04Implementing the Emulab-PlanetLab Portal: Experience and Lessons Learned Kirk Webb, Mike Hibler
    WORLDS '04Design Considerations for Information PlanesBrent Chun, Joseph M. Hellerstein
    WORLDS '04A Shared Global Event Propagation System to Enable Next Generation Distributed Services Paul Brett, Rob Knauerhase
    WORLDS '04Distributed Resource Discovery on PlanetLab with SWORD David Oppenheimer, Jeannie Albrecht, David Patterson, Amin Vahdat
    WORLDS '04The Seven Deadly Sins of Distributed SystemsSteve Muir
    WORLDS '04Beyond Availability: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Machine Failure Characteristics in Large Distributed Systems Praveen Yalagandula, Suman Nath
    WORLDS '04Lessons from E-speakAlan H. Karp
    WORLDS '04Deployment of a Large-scale Peer-to-Peer Social NetworkMao Yang, Hua Chen, Ben Y. Zhao, Yafei Dai, Zheng Zhang
    WORLDS '04Deploying Large File Transfer on an HTTP Content Distribution NetworkKyoungSoo Park, Vivek S. Pai
    WORLDS '04Towards a Deployable IP Anycast ServiceHitesh Ballani, Paul Francis
    WORLDS '04DISC: A System for Distributed Data Intensive Scientific Computing George Kola, Tevfik Kosar, Jaime Frey, Miron Livny, Robert Brunner, Michael Remijan
    LISA '04LifeBoat: An Autonomic Backup and Restore SolutionTed Bonkenburg, Dejan Diklic, Benjamin Reed, Mark Smith, Michael Vanover, Steve Welch, Roger Williams
    LISA '04PatchMaker: A Physical Network Patch Manager ToolJames M. Roberts
    LISA '04Who Moved My Data? A Backup Tracking System for Dynamic Workstation EnvironmentsGregory Pluta, Larry Brumbaugh, William Yurcik, Joseph Tucek
    LISA '04Making a Game of Network SecurityMarc Dougherty
    LISA '04Securing the PlanetLab Distributed Testbed: How to Manage Security in an Environment with No Firewalls, with All Users Having Root, and No Direct Physical Control of Any System Paul Brett, Mic Bowman, Jeff Sedayao, Robert Adams, Rob Knauerhause, Aaron Klingaman
    LISA '04Secure Automation: Achieving Least Privilege with SSH, Sudo, and SuidRobert A. Napier
    LISA '04Experience in Implementing an HTTP Service ClosureSteven Schwartzberg
    LISA '04Meta Change Queue: Tracking Changes to People, Places, and ThingsJon Finke
