
Search results

    HotOS XIVLightweight Snapshots and System-level BacktrackingEdouard Bugnion, Vitaly Chipounov, George Candea
    HotOS XIVHAT, Not CAP: Towards Highly Available TransactionsPeter Bailis, Alan Fekete, Ali Ghodsi, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Ion Stoica
    HotOS XIIIDo You Know Where Your Data Are? Secure Data Capsules for Deployable Data ProtectionPetros Maniatis, Devdatta Akhawe, Kevin Fall, Elaine Shi, Dawn Song
    HotOS XIIIMaking Programs Forget: Enforcing Lifetime for Sensitive DataJayanthkumar Kannan, Byung-Gon Chun
    HotOS XIIIExploiting MISD Performance Opportunities in Multi-core SystemsPatrick G. Bridges, Donour Sizemore, Scott Levy
    HotOS XIIIMore Intervention Now!Moises Goldszmidt, Rebecca Isaacs
    HotOS XIIImake worldChristopher Smowton
    HotOS XIIIWhat If You Could Actually Trust Your Kernel?Gernot Heiser, Leonid Ryzhyk, Michael von Tessin, Aleksander Budzynowski
    HotOS XIIIProvable Security: How Feasible Is It?Gerwin Klein, Toby Murray, Peter Gammie, Thomas Sewell, Simon Winwood
    HotOS XIIIToward Practical and Unconditional Verification of Remote ComputationsAndrew J. Blumberg
    HotOS XIIIMOMMIE Knows Best: Systematic Optimizations for Verifiable Distributed AlgorithmsMichael Dietz, Charalampos Papamanthou
    HotOS XIIIThe Case for VOS: The Vector Operating SystemVijay Vasudevan, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky
    HotOS XIIIOperating Systems Must Support GPU AbstractionsChristopher J. Rossbach, Jon Currey, Emmett Witchel
    HotOS XIIIMulticore OSes: Looking Forward from 1991, er, 2011David A. Holland, Margo I. Seltzer
    HotOS XIIIVirtually Cool Ternary Content Addressable MemorySuparna Bhattacharya, K. Gopinath
    HotOS XIIIThe Best of Both Worlds with On-Demand VirtualizationThawan Kooburat, Michael Swift
    HotOS XIIIRepair from a Chair: Computer Repair as an Untrusted Cloud ServiceLon Ingram, Ivaylo Popov, Srinath Setty, Michael Walfish
    HotOS XIIIStructuring the Unstructured Middle with Chunk ComputingJustin Mazzola Paluska, Hubert Pham, Steve Ward
    HotOS XIIIMacho: Programming with Man PagesAnthony Cozzie, Murph Finnicum, Samuel T. King
    HotOS XIIIPursue Robust Indefinite ScalabilityDavid H. Ackley, Daniel C. Cannon
    HotOS XIIIBenchmarking File System Benchmarking: It *IS* Rocket ScienceVasily Tarasov, Saumitra Bhanage, Erez Zadok, Margo Seltzer
    HotOS XIIIMulticore OS Benchmarks: We Can Do BetterIhor Kuz, Zachary Anderson, Pravin Shinde
    HotOS XIIIIt's Time for Low LatencyStephen M. Rumble, Diego Ongaro, Ryan Stutsman, Mendel Rosenblum, John K. Ousterhout
    HotOS XIIIDisk-Locality in Datacenter Computing Considered IrrelevantGanesh Ananthanarayanan, Ali Ghodsi, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica
    HotOS XIIIOptimizing Data Partitioning for Data-Parallel ComputingQifa Ke, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Yinglian Xie, Yuan Yu, Jingyue Wu, Junfeng Yang
