
Search results

    HotOS XVPractical Always-on Taint Tracking on Mobile DevicesJustin Paupore, Earlence Fernandes, Atul Prakash, Sankardas Roy, Xinming Ou
    HotOS XVASPIRE: Iterative Specification Synthesis for SecurityKevin Chen, Warren He, Devdatta Akhawe, Vijay D'Silva, Prateek Mittal, Dawn Song
    HotOS XVLax: Driver Interfaces for Approximate Sensor Device AccessPhillip Stanley-Marbell, Martin Rinard
    HotOS XVThe Case for Less Predictable Operating System BehaviorRuimin Sun, Donald E. Porter, Daniela Oliveira, Matt Bishop
    HotOS XVRecommendations for Randomness in the Operating System, or How to Keep Evil Children out of Your Pool and Other Random FactsHenry Corrigan-Gibbs, Suman Jana
    HotOS XVInferring the Network Latency Requirements of Cloud TenantsJeffrey C. Mogul, Ramana Rao Kompella
    HotOS XVThe Activity PlatformHelen J. Wang, Alexander Moshchuk, Michael Gamon, Shamsi Iqbal, Eli T. Brown, Ashish Kapoor, Chris Meek, Eric Chen, Yuan Tian, Jaime Teevan, Mary Czerwinski , Susan Dumais
    HotOS XVThe Most Dangerous Code in the BrowserStefan Heule, Devon Rifkin, Alejandro Russo, Deian Stefan
    HotOS XVSpecifying Crash Safety for Storage SystemsHaogang Chen, Daniel Ziegler, Adam Chlipala, M. Frans Kaashoek, Eddie Kohler, Nickolai Zeldovich
    HotOS XVBeyond Storage APIs: Provable Semantics for Storage StacksRamnatthan Alagappan, Vijay Chidambaram, Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
    HotOS XVAmber: Decoupling User Data from Web ApplicationsTej Chajed, Jon Gjengset, Jelle van den Hooff, M. Frans Kaashoek, James Mickens, Robert Morris, Nickolai Zeldovich
    HotOS XVMy OS Ought to Know Me Better: In-app Behavioural Analytics as an OS ServiceEarlence Fernandes, Oriana Riva, Suman Nath
    HotOS XVBeyond Processor-centric Operating SystemsPaolo Faraboschi, Kimberly Keeton, Tim Marsland, Dejan Milojicic
    HotOS XVNot Your Parents' Physical Address SpaceSimon Gerber, Gerd Zellweger, Reto Achermann, Kornilios Kourtis, Timothy Roscoe, Dejan Milojicic
    HotOS XVFrom Lone Dwarfs to Giant Superclusters: Rethinking Operating System Abstractions for the CloudNikos Vasilakis, Ben Karel, Jonathan M. Smith
    HotOS XVScalability! But at what COST?Frank McSherry, Michael Isard, Derek G. Murray
    HotOS XVChallenges to Adopting Stronger Consistency at ScalePhillipe Ajoux, Nathan Bronson, Sanjeev Kumar, Wyatt Lloyd, Kaushik Veeraraghavan
    HotOS XVA Case for Ending Monolithic Apps for Connected DevicesRayman Preet Singh, Chenguang Shen, Amar Phanishayee, Aman Kansal, Ratul Mahajan
    HotOS XVFault Tolerance and the Five-Second RuleAng Chen, Hanjun Xiao, Andreas Haeberlen, Linh Thi Xuan Phan
    HotOS XVA Case for Enforcing App-Specific Constraints to Mobile Devices by Using Trust LeasesNuno Santos, Nuno O. Duarte, Miguel B. Costa, Paulo Ferreira
    HotOS XVRoute Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract NegotiationIgnacio Castro, Aurojit Panda, Barath Raghavan, Scott Shenker, Sergey Gorinsky
    HotOS XVDistributing the Data Plane for Remote Storage AccessTorsten Hoefler, Robert B. Ross, Timothy Roscoe
    HotOS XVFlexNIC: Rethinking Network DMAAntoine Kaufmann, Simon Peter, Thomas Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy
    HotOS XVOn Instruction OrganizationTyler Dwyer, Alexandra Fedorova
    HotOS XVFailure Sketches: A Better Way to DebugBaris Kasikci, Cristiano Pereira, Gilles Pokam, Benjamin Schubert, Malandal Musuvathi, George Candea
