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    USENIX Security '24Unpacking Privacy Labels: A Measurement and Developer Perspective on Google's Data Safety SectionRishabh Khandelwal, Asmit Nayak, Paul Chung, Kassem Fawaz
    USENIX Security '24On the Difficulty of Defending Contrastive Learning against Backdoor AttacksChangjiang Li, Ren Pang, Bochuan Cao, Zhaohan Xi, Jinghui Chen, Shouling Ji, Ting Wang
    USENIX Security '24More Simplicity for Trainers, More Opportunity for Attackers: Black-Box Attacks on Speaker Recognition Systems by Inferring Feature ExtractorYunjie Ge, Pinji Chen, Qian Wang, Lingchen Zhao, Ningping Mou, Peipei Jiang, Cong Wang, Qi Li, Chao Shen
    USENIX Security '24Transferability of White-box Perturbations: Query-Efficient Adversarial Attacks against Commercial DNN ServicesMeng Shen, Changyue Li, Qi Li, Hao Lu, Liehuang Zhu, Ke Xu
    USENIX Security '24Penetration Vision through Virtual Reality Headsets: Identifying 360-degree Videos from Head MovementsAnh Nguyen, Xiaokuan Zhang, Zhisheng Yan
    USENIX Security '24Rabbit-Mix: Robust Algebraic Anonymous Broadcast from Additive BasesChongwon Cho, Samuel Dittmer, Yuval Ishai, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky
    USENIX Security '24Splitting the Difference on Adversarial TrainingMatan Levi, Aryeh Kontorovich
    USENIX Security '24VoltSchemer: Use Voltage Noise to Manipulate Your Wireless ChargerZihao Zhan, Yirui Yang, Haoqi Shan, Hanqiu Wang, Yier Jin, Shuo Wang
    USENIX Security '24OPTIKS: An Optimized Key Transparency SystemJulia Len, Melissa Chase, Esha Ghosh, Kim Laine, Radames Cruz Moreno
    USENIX Security '24VibSpeech: Exploring Practical Wideband Eavesdropping via Bandlimited Signal of Vibration-based Side ChannelChao Wang, Feng Lin, Hao Yan, Tong Wu, Wenyao Xu, Kui Ren
    USENIX Security '24LaKey: Efficient Lattice-Based Distributed PRFs Enable Scalable Distributed Key ManagementMatthias Geihs, Hart Montgomery
    USENIX Security '24Finding Traceability Attacks in the Bluetooth Low Energy Specification and Its ImplementationsJianliang Wu, Patrick Traynor, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian, Antonio Bianchi
    USENIX Security '24ATTention Please! An Investigation of the App Tracking Transparency PermissionReham Mohamed, Arjun Arunasalam, Habiba Farrukh, Jason Tong, Antonio Bianchi, Z. Berkay Celik
    USENIX Security '24MultiFuzz: A Multi-Stream Fuzzer For Testing Monolithic FirmwareMichael Chesser, Surya Nepal, Damith C. Ranasinghe
    USENIX Security '24Smudged Fingerprints: Characterizing and Improving the Performance of Web Application FingerprintingBrian Kondracki, Nick Nikiforakis
    USENIX Security '24PIXELMOD: Improving Soft Moderation of Visual Misleading Information on TwitterPujan Paudel, Chen Ling, Jeremy Blackburn, Gianluca Stringhini
    USENIX Security '24DeepEclipse: How to Break White-Box DNN-Watermarking SchemesAlessandro Pegoraro, Carlotta Segna, Kavita Kumari, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
    USENIX Security '24Your Firmware Has Arrived: A Study of Firmware Update VulnerabilitiesYuhao Wu, Jinwen Wang, Yujie Wang, Shixuan Zhai, Zihan Li, Yi He, Kun Sun, Qi Li, Ning Zhang
    USENIX Security '24A High Coverage Cybersecurity Scale Predictive of User BehaviorYukiko Sawaya, Sarah Lu, Takamasa Isohara, Mahmood Sharif
    USENIX Security '24VeriSimplePIR: Verifiability in SimplePIR at No Online Cost for Honest ServersLeo de Castro, Keewoo Lee
    USENIX Security '24Batch PIR and Labeled PSI with Oblivious Ciphertext CompressionAlexander Bienstock, Sarvar Patel, Joon Young Seo, Kevin Yeo
    USENIX Security '24iHunter: Hunting Privacy Violations at Scale in the Software Supply Chain on iOSDexin Liu, Yue Xiao, Chaoqi Zhang, Kaitao Xie, Xiaolong Bai, Shikun Zhang, Luyi Xing
    USENIX Security '24Single Pass Client-Preprocessing Private Information RetrievalArthur Lazzaretti, Charalampos Papamanthou
    USENIX Security '24WhisperFuzz: White-Box Fuzzing for Detecting and Locating Timing Vulnerabilities in ProcessorsPallavi Borkar, Chen Chen, Mohamadreza Rostami, Nikhilesh Singh, Rahul Kande, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Chester Rebeiro, Jeyavijayan Rajendran
    USENIX Security '24Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here: A Dynamic, Longitudinal Investigation of Android's Data Safety SectionIoannis Arkalakis, Michalis Diamantaris, Serafeim Moustakas, Sotiris Ioannidis, Jason Polakis, Panagiotis Ilia
