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    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the CloudHotCloud '13
    Infrastructure for Studying InfrastructureESOS '13Christopher Landauer
    A Formal Specification of the Hormone Loop of an Artificial Hormone SystemESOS '13Mathias Pacher, Uwe Brinkschulte
    Reducing the Communication Overhead of an Artificial Hormone System for Task Allocation by a Task WindowESOS '13Uwe Brinkschulte
    Solving DCOPs in Self-optimising Multi-Agent Systems by Extending the Local Objective FunctionsESOS '13Sebastian Niemann, Christian Müller-Schloer
    Using a Neural Network for Forecasting in an Organic Traffic Control Management SystemESOS '13Matthias Sommer, Sven Tomforde, Jörg Hähner
    Mandatory Access Control for the Android Dalvik Virtual MachineESOS '13Aline Bousquet, Jérémy Briffaut, Laurent Clevy, Christian Toinard, Benjamin Venelle
    One, Few, Many: How the Number of Cooperating Agents Affects Strategies for Self-Organized BehaviorESOS '13Phyllis Nelson
    Parallelism in the CloudHotPar '13
    Parallelization Primitives for Dynamic Sparse ComputationsHotPar '13Tsung-Han Lin, Stephen J. Tarsa, H.T. Kung
    Three Fingered Jack: Tackling Portability, Performance, and Productivity with Auto-Parallelized PythonHotPar '13David Sheffield, Michael Anderson, Kurt Keutzer
    Collection-focused ParallelismHotPar '13Micah J. Best, Daniel Jacobsen, Nicholas Vining, Alexandra Fedorova
    Constrained Data-Driven ParallelismHotPar '13Tim Harris, Yossi Lev, Victor Luchangco, Virendra J. Marathe, Mark Moir
    Towards Performance-Portable, Scalable, and Convenient Linear AlgebraHotPar '13Philippe Tillet, Karl Rupp, Siegfried Selberherr, Chin-Teng Lin
    Determinism Is Overrated: What Really Makes Multithreaded Programs Hard to Get Right and What Can Be Done About ItHotPar '13Junfeng Yang, Heming Cui, Jingyue Wu
    …And Region Serializability for AllHotPar '13Jessica Ouyang, Peter M. Chen, Jason Flinn, Satish Narayanasamy
    Durability Semantics for Lock-based Multithreaded ProgramsHotPar '13Dhruva R. Chakrabarti, Hans-J. Boehm
    Characterizing Real World Bugs Causing Sequential Consistency ViolationsHotPar '13Mohammad Majharul Islam, Abdullah Muzahid
    But How Do We Really Debug Transactional Memory Programs?HotPar '13Justin E. Gottschlich, Rob Knauerhase, Gilles Pokam
    Property-Driven Cooperative Logging for Concurrency Bugs ReplicationHotPar '13Nuno Machado, Paolo Romano, Luís Rodrigues
    Parallel Synchronization-Free Approximate Data Structure ConstructionHotPar '13Martin Rinard
    Using Elimination and Delegation to Implement a Scalable NUMA-Friendly StackHotPar '13Irina Calciu, Justin Gottschlich, Maurice Herlihy
    Determinism: Blessing or Curse?HotPar '13
    Tools in the Real WorldHotPar '13
    Practitioners vs. AcademicsHotPar '13
