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    USENIX Security '24PatchCURE: Improving Certifiable Robustness, Model Utility, and Computation Efficiency of Adversarial Patch DefensesChong Xiang, Tong Wu, Sihui Dai, Jonathan Petit, Suman Jana, Prateek Mittal
    USENIX Security '24Fledging Will Continue Until Privacy Improves: Empirical Analysis of Google's Privacy-Preserving Targeted AdvertisingGiuseppe Calderonio, Mir Masood Ali, Jason Polakis
    USENIX Security '24ZKSMT: A VM for Proving SMT Theorems in Zero KnowledgeDaniel Luick, John C. Kolesar, Timos Antonopoulos, William R. Harris, James Parker, Ruzica Piskac, Eran Tromer, Xiao Wang, Ning Luo
    USENIX Security '24Reef: Fast Succinct Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Regex ProofsSebastian Angel, Eleftherios Ioannidis, Elizabeth Margolin, Srinath Setty, Jess Woods
    USENIX Security '24LaKey: Efficient Lattice-Based Distributed PRFs Enable Scalable Distributed Key ManagementMatthias Geihs, Hart Montgomery
    USENIX Security '24Enabling Contextual Soft Moderation on Social Media through Contrastive Textual DeviationPujan Paudel, Mohammad Hammas Saeed, Rebecca Auger, Chris Wells, Gianluca Stringhini
    USENIX Security '24Scalable Zero-knowledge Proofs for Non-linear Functions in Machine LearningMeng Hao, Hanxiao Chen, Hongwei Li, Chenkai Weng, Yuan Zhang, Haomiao Yang, Tianwei Zhang
    USENIX Security '24You Cannot Escape Me: Detecting Evasions of SIEM Rules in Enterprise NetworksRafael Uetz, Marco Herzog, Louis Hackländer, Simon Schwarz, Martin Henze
    USENIX Security '24Finding Traceability Attacks in the Bluetooth Low Energy Specification and Its ImplementationsJianliang Wu, Patrick Traynor, Dongyan Xu, Dave (Jing) Tian, Antonio Bianchi
    USENIX Security '24Atropos: Effective Fuzzing of Web Applications for Server-Side VulnerabilitiesEmre Güler, Sergej Schumilo, Moritz Schloegel, Nils Bars, Philipp Görz, Xinyi Xu, Cemal Kaygusuz, Thorsten Holz
    USENIX Security '24ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response FuzzingQifan Zhang, Xuesong Bai, Xiang Li, Haixin Duan, Qi Li, Zhou Li
    USENIX Security '24"Belt and suspenders" or "just red tape"?: Investigating Early Artifacts and User Perceptions of IoT App Security CertificationPrianka Mandal, Amit Seal Ami, Victor Olaiya, Sayyed Hadi Razmjo, Adwait Nadkarni
    USENIX Security '24MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation LearningZian Jia, Yun Xiong, Yuhong Nan, Yao Zhang, Jinjing Zhao, Mi Wen
    USENIX Security '24"I Don't Know If We're Doing Good. I Don't Know If We're Doing Bad": Investigating How Practitioners Scope, Motivate, and Conduct Privacy Work When Developing AI ProductsHao-Ping (Hank) Lee, Lan Gao, Stephanie Yang, Jodi Forlizzi, Sauvik Das
    USENIX Security '24Voice App Developer Experiences with Alexa and Google Assistant: Juggling Risks, Liability, and SecurityWilliam Seymour, Noura Abdi, Kopo M. Ramokapane, Jide Edu, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Jose Such
    USENIX Security '24Cascade: CPU Fuzzing via Intricate Program GenerationFlavien Solt, Katharina Ceesay-Seitz, Kaveh Razavi
    USENIX Security '24ModelGuard: Information-Theoretic Defense Against Model Extraction AttacksMinxue Tang, Anna Dai, Louis DiValentin, Aolin Ding, Amin Hass, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Yiran Chen, Hai "Helen" Li
    USENIX Security '24Exploring Covert Third-party Identifiers through External Storage in the Android New EraZikan Dong, Tianming Liu, Jiapeng Deng, Li Li, Minghui Yang, Meng Wang, Guosheng Xu, Guoai Xu
    USENIX Security '24Closed-Form Bounds for DP-SGD against Record-level Inference AttacksGiovanni Cherubin, Boris Köpf, Andrew Paverd, Shruti Tople, Lukas Wutschitz, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
    USENIX Security '24Unveiling the Secrets without Data: Can Graph Neural Networks Be Exploited through Data-Free Model Extraction Attacks?Yuanxin Zhuang, Chuan Shi, Mengmei Zhang, Jinghui Chen, Lingjuan Lyu, Pan Zhou, Lichao Sun
    USENIX Security '24Does Online Anonymous Market Vendor Reputation Matter?Alejandro Cuevas, Nicolas Christin
    USENIX Security '24ATTention Please! An Investigation of the App Tracking Transparency PermissionReham Mohamed, Arjun Arunasalam, Habiba Farrukh, Jason Tong, Antonio Bianchi, Z. Berkay Celik
    USENIX Security '24SHiFT: Semi-hosted Fuzz Testing for Embedded ApplicationsAlejandro Mera, Changming Liu, Ruimin Sun, Engin Kirda, Long Lu
    USENIX Security '24MultiFuzz: A Multi-Stream Fuzzer For Testing Monolithic FirmwareMichael Chesser, Surya Nepal, Damith C. Ranasinghe
    USENIX Security '24"There are rabbit holes I want to go down that I'm not allowed to go down": An Investigation of Security Expert Threat Modeling Practices for Medical DevicesRonald E. Thompson, Madline McLaughlin, Carson Powers, Daniel Votipka
