
Search results

    USENIX Mach SymposiumDOS as a Mach 3.0 ApplicationGerald Malan, Richard Rashid, David Golub, Robert Baron
    USENIX Mach SymposiumA Causal Distributed Shared Memory Based on External PagersFabienne Boyer
    USENIX Mach SymposiumSupporting Structured Shared Virtual Memory Under MachRay Bryant, Paul Carini, Hung-Yang Chang, Bryan Rosenburg
    USENIX Mach SymposiumManaging Discardable Pages with an External PagerIndira Subramanian
    USENIX Mach SymposiumOSF/1 Virtual Memory ImprovementsDavid Black, Jeff Carter, George Feinberg, Rod MacDonald, Jim Van Sciver, Ping Wang, Shashi Mangalat, Eric Sheinbrood
    USENIX Mach SymposiumParallelizing Signal Handling and Process Management in OSF/1Don Bolinger, Shashi Mangalat
    USENIX Mach SymposiumMach Resource Control in OSF/1David W. Mitchell
    USENIX Mach SymposiumMach Interfaces to Support Guest O.S. DebuggingRand Hoven
    USENIX Mach SymposiumKernel Support for Network Protocol ServersFranklin Reynolds, Jeffrey Heller
    USENIX Mach SymposiumAn I/O System for Mach 3.0Alessandro Forin, David Golub, Bryan Bershad
    USENIX Mach SymposiumMoving the Default Memory Manager Out of the Mach KernlDavid B. Golub, Richard P. Draves
    USENIX Mach SymposiumUser-Level Physical Memory Management for MachStuart Sechrest, Yoonho Park
    USENIX Mach SymposiumPage Replacement and Reference Bit Emulation in MachRichard P. Draves
    USENIX Mach SymposiumEvaluation of Real-Time Synchronization in Real-Time MachHideyuki Tokuda, Tatsuo Nakajima
    USENIX Mach SymposiumHow to Design Reliable Servers using Fault Tolerant Micro-Kernel MechanismsMichel Banâtre, Gilles Muller, Pack Heng, Bruno Rochat
    USENIX Mach SymposiumThe FIle System Belongs in the KernelBrent Welch
    USENIX Mach SymposiumDistributed Trusted Mach ArchitectureEdward John Sebes
