
Search results

    JVM '01Deterministic Execution of Java's Primitive Bytecode OperationsFridtjof Siebert, Andy Walter
    JVM '01Mostly Accurate Stack ScanningKatherine Barabash, Niv Buchbinder, Tamar Domani, Elliot K. Kolodner, Yoav Ossia, Shlomit S. Pinter, Janice Shepherd, Ron Sivan, Victor Umansky
    JVM '01Hot-Swapping Between a Mark&Sweep and a Mark&Compact Garbage Collector in a Generational EnvironmentTony Printezis
    JVM '01Parallel Garbage Collection for Shared Memory MultiprocessorsChristine H. Flood, David Detlefs, Nir Shavit, Xiolan Zhang
    JVM '01Automatic Persistent Memory Management for the Spotless Java™ Virtual Machine on the Palm Connected OrganizerDaniel Schneider, Bernd Mathiske, Matthias Ernst, Matthew Seidl
    JVM '01Energy Behavior of Java Applications from the Memory PerspectiveN. Vijaykrishnan, M. Kandemir, S. Kim, S. Tomar, A. Sivasubramaniam, M. J. Irwin
    USITS '01System Support for Scalable, Reliable, and Highly Manageable Web Hosting ServiceMon-Yen Luo, Chu-Sing Yang
    USITS '01Fine-Grained Failover Using Connection MigrationAlex C. Snoeren, David G. Andersen, Hari Balakrishnan
    USITS '01Measurement and Analysis of a Streaming Media WorkloadMaureen Chesire, Alec Wolman, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Henry M. Levy
    USITS '01Partial Prefetch for Faster Surfing in Composite HypermediaJaved I. Khan, Qingping Tao
    USITS '01Modular and Efficient Resource Management in the Exedra Media ServerStergios V. Anastasiadis, Kenneth C. Sevcik, Michael Stumm
    USITS '01An Architecture for Content Routing Support in the InternetMark Gritter, David R. Cheriton
    USITS '01ALMI: An Application Level Multicast InfrastructureDimitrios Pendarakis, Sherlia Shi, Dinesh Verma, Marcel Waldvogel
    USITS '01CSP: A Novel System Architecture for Scalable Internet and Communication ServicesHemal V. Shah, Dave B. Minturn, Annie Foong, Gary L. McAlpine, Rajesh S. Madukkarumukumana, Greg J. Regnier
    USITS '01The Age Penalty and Its Effect on Cache PerformanceEdith Cohen, Haim Kaplan
    USITS '01On-Line Markets for Distributed Object Services: The MAJIC SystemLior Levy, Liad Blumrosen, Noam Nisan
    USITS '01End-to-End WAN Service AvailabilityBharat Chandra, Mike Dahlin
    USITS '01PRO-COW: Protocol Compliance on the Web–A Longitudinal StudyBalachander Krishnamurthy, Martin Arlitt
    USITS '01Nettimer: A Tool for Measuring Bottleneck Link BandwidthKevin Lai, Mary Baker
    USITS '01CANS: Composable, Adaptive Network Services InfrastructureXiaodong Fu, Weisong Shi, Anatoly Akkerman, Vijay Karamcheti
    USITS '01Dynamic Host Configuration for Managing Mobility Between Public and Private NetworksAllen Miu, Paramvir Bahl
    USITS '01Puppeteer: Component-based Adaptation for Mobile ComputingEyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach
    USITS '01Alpine: A User-Level Infrastructure for Network Protocol DevelopmentDavid Ely, Stefan Savage, David Wetherall
    USITS '01Measuring Client-Perceived Response Time on the WWWRamakrishnan Rajamony, Mootaz Elnozahy
    USITS '01Neptune: Scalable Replication Management and Programming Support for Cluster-based Network ServicesKai Shen, Tao Yang, Lingkun Chu, JoAnne L. Holliday, Douglas A. Kuschner, Huican Zhu
