
Search results

    USENIX Security '04Kerf: Machine Learning to Aid Intrusion AnalystsSergey Bratus, Javed Aslam, David Kotz, Ron Peterson, Daniela Rus
    USENIX Security '04Recovering from Faulty Device DriversNathanael Paul
    USENIX Security '04Secure and Robust loose time synchronization mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
    USENIX Security '04Toward a Verified, Secure, General-Purpose MicrokernelJonathan S. Shapiro, Eric Northup, M. Scott Doerrie, Swaroop Sridhar
    USENIX Security '04TIED, LibsafePlus: Tools for Runtime Buffer Overflow ProtectionKumar Avijit, Prateek Gupta, Deepak Gupta
    USENIX Security '04Privtrans: Automatically Partitioning Programs for Privilege SeparationDavid Brumley, Dawn Song
    USENIX Security '04Avfs: An On-Access Anti-Virus File SystemYevgeniy Miretskiy, Abhijith Das, Charles P. Wright, Erez Zadok
    USENIX Security '04Side Effects Are Not Sufficient to Authenticate SoftwareUmesh Shankar, Monica Chew, J.D. Tygar
    USENIX Security '04On Gray-Box Program Tracking for Anomaly DetectionDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter
    USENIX Security '04Finding User/Kernel Pointer Bugs with Type InferenceRob Johnson, David Wagner
    USENIX Security '04Graphical Dictionaries and the Memorable Space of Graphical PasswordsJulie Thorpe, Paul van Oorschot
    USENIX Security '04On User Choice in Graphical Password SchemesDarren Davis, Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter
    USENIX Security '04Design of the EROS Trusted Window SystemJonathan S. Shapiro, John Vanderburgh, Eric Northup, David Chizmadia
    USENIX Security '04Copilot—a Coprocessor-based Kernel Runtime Integrity MonitorNick L. Petroni, Jr., Timothy Fraser, Jesus Molina, William A. Arbaugh
    USENIX Security '04Fixing Races for Fun and Profit: How to Use access(2)Drew Dean, Alan J. Hu
    USENIX Security '04Network-in-a-Box: How to Set Up a Secure Wireless Network in Under a MinuteDirk Balfanz, Glenn Durfee, Rebecca E. Grinter, Diana K. Smetters, Paul Stewart
    USENIX Security '04Design and Implementation of a TCG-based Integrity Measurement ArchitectureReiner Sailer, Xiaolan Zhang, Trent Jaeger, Leendert van Doorn
    USENIX Security '04A Virtual Honeypot FrameworkNiels Provos
    USENIX Security '04Collapsar: A VM-Based Architecture for Network Attack Detention CenterXuxian Jiang, Dongyan Xu
    USENIX Security '04Very Fast Containment of Scanning WormsNicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson
    USENIX ATC '04mGTK: An SML Binding of Gtk+Ken Friis Larsen, Henning Niss
    USENIX ATC '04Xen and the Art of Repeated ResearchBryan Clark, Todd Deshane, Eli Dow, Stephen Evanchik, Matthew Finlayson, Jason Herne, Jeanna Neefe Matthews
    USENIX ATC '04Migrating an MVS Mainframe Application to a PCGlenn S. Fowler, Andrew G. Hume, David G. Korn, Kiem-Phong Vo
    USENIX ATC '04C-JDBC: Flexible Database Clustering MiddlewareEmmanuel Cecchet, Julie Marguerite, Willy Zwaenepoel
    USENIX ATC '04Wayback: A User-level Versioning File System for LinuxBrian Cornell, Peter A. Dinda, Fabián E. Bustamante
