
Search results

    NSDI '06OASIS: Anycast for Any ServiceMichael J. Freedman, Karthik Lakshminarayanan, David Mazières
    NSDI '06OverCite: A Distributed, Cooperative CiteSeerJeremy Stribling, Jinyang Li, Isaac G. Councill
    NSDI '06Colyseus: A Distributed Architecture for Online Multiplayer GamesAshwin Bharambe, Jeffrey Pang, Srinivasan Seshan
    NSDI '06Na Kika: Secure Service Execution and Composition in an Open Edge-Side Computing NetworkRobert Grimm, Guy Lichtman, Nikolaos Michalakis, Amos Elliston, Adam Kravetz, Jonathan Miller, Sajid Raza
    NSDI '06Connection Conditioning: Architecture-Independent Support for Simple, Robust Servers
    NSDI '06PCP: Efficient Endpoint Congestion ControlThomas Anderson, Andrew Collins, Arvind Krishnamurthy, John Zahorjan
    NSDI '06Availability of Multi-Object OperationsHaifeng Yu, Phillip B. Gibbons, Suman Nath
    NSDI '06Subtleties in Tolerating Correlated Failures in Wide-area Storage SystemsHaifeng Yu
    NSDI '06Open Versus Closed: A Cautionary TaleBianca Schroeder, Adam Wierman, Mor Harchol-Balter
    NSDI '06An Architecture for Internet Data TransferNiraj Tolia, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen, Swapnil Patil
    NSDI '06OCALA: An Architecture for Supporting Legacy Applications over OverlaysDilip Joseph, Jayanth Kannan, Ayumu Kubota, Ion Stoica, Klaus Wehrle
    NSDI '06Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam ControlMichael Walfish, J.D. Zamfirescu, Hari Balakrishnan, David Karger, Scott Shenker
    NSDI '06 RE: Reliable EmailScott Garriss, Brad Karp
    NSDI '06PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in Sensor NetworksMing Li, Deepak Ganesan, Prashant Shenoy
    NSDI '06Experience with an Object Reputation System for Peer-to-Peer FilesharingKevin Walsh, Emin Gün Sirer
    NSDI '06Corona: A High Performance Publish-Subscribe System for the World Wide WebVenugopalan Ramasubramanian, Ryan Peterson
    NSDI '06 Scale and Performance in the CoBlitz Large-File Distribution Service KyoungSoo Park, Vivek S. Pai
    NSDI '06 Efficient Replica Maintenance for Distributed Storage Systems Byung-Gon Chun, Frank Dabek, Andreas Haeberlen, Emil Sit, Hakim Weatherspoon, M. Frans Kaashoek, John Kubiatowicz, Robert Morris
    FAST '05PASS: Provenance-aware Storage SystemMargo Seltzer, David Holland, Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, Uri Braun, Jonathan Ledlie
    FAST '05Logistical StorageSurya Pathak, Alan Tackett, Kevin McCord
    FAST '05A Unifying Approach to the Exploitation of File Semantics in Distributed File SystemsPhilipp Hahn
    FAST '05A Centralized Failure Handler for File SystemsVijayan Prabhakaran
    FAST '05Storage Benchmarking for HPCMike Mesnier, Gregory Ganger
    FAST '05POSIX IO Extensions for HPCBrent Welch
    FAST '05Efficient Disk Space Management for Virtual MachinesAbhishek Gupta, Norman Hutchinson
