
Search results

    NetDB '07Networked PIM Using PDMSAlexander Albrecht, Felix Naumann, Armin Roth
    NetDB '07Towards a Declarative Language and System for Secure NetworkingMartín Abadi, Boon Thau Loo
    NetDB '07Net-X: Unified Data-Centric Internet ServicesPraveen Rao, Justin Cappos, Varun Khare, Bongki Moon, Beichuan Zhang
    NetDB '07On-Demand View Materialization and Indexing for Network Forensic AnalysisRoxana Geambasu, Tanya Bragin, Jaeyeon Jung, Magdalena Balazinska
    NetDB '07Throughput-Optimized, Global-Scale Join Processing in Scientific FederationsXiaodan Wang, Randal Burns, Andreas Terzis
    HotBots '07Peer-to-Peer Botnets: Overview and Case StudyJulian B. Grizzard, Vikram Sharma, Chris Nunnery, Brent ByungHoon Kang, David Dagon
    HotBots '07An Advanced Hybrid Peer-to-Peer BotnetPing Wang, Sherri Sparks, Cliff C. Zou
    HotBots '07A Distributed Content Independent Method for Spam DetectionAlex Brodsky, Dmitry Brodsky
    HotBots '07The Ghost in the Browser: Analysis of Web-based MalwareNiels Provos, Dean McNamee, Panayiotis Mavrommatis, Ke Wang, Nagendra Modadugu
    HotBots '07My Botnet Is Bigger Than Yours (Maybe, Better Than Yours): Why Size Estimates Remain ChallengingMoheeb Abu Rajab, Jay Zarfoss, Fabian Monrose, Andreas Terzis
    FAST '07Data ONTAP GX: A Scalable Storage Cluster Michael Eisler, Peter Corbett, Michael Kazar, Daniel S. Nydick, J. Christopher Wagner
    FAST '07//TRACE: Parallel Trace Replay with Approximate Causal Events Michael P. Mesnier
    FAST '07Karma: Know-it-All Replacement for a Multilevel CacheGala Yadgar, Michael Factor, Assaf Schuster
    FAST '07AMP: Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching in a Shared CacheBinny S. Gill, Luis Angel D. Bathen
    FAST '07Nache: Design and Implementation of a Caching Proxy for NFSv4 Ajay Gulati, Manoj Naik, Renu Tewari
    FAST '07TFS: A Transparent File System for Contributory StorageJames Cipar, Mark D. Corner, Emery D. Berger
    FAST '07Cobalt: Separating Content Distribution from Authorization in Distributed File Systems Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Andrew Myrick, Jason Flinn
    FAST '07PARAID: A Gear-Shifting Power-Aware RAID Charles Weddle, Mathew Oldham, Jin Qian, An-I Andy Wang, Peter Reiher, Geoff Kuenning
    FAST '07REO: A Generic RAID Engine and OptimizerDeepak Kenchammana-Hosekote, Dingshan He
    FAST '07PRO: A Popularity-based Multi-threaded Reconstruction Optimization for RAID-Structured Storage SystemsLei Tian, Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou, Lingfang Zeng, Jianxi Chen, Zhikun Wang, Zhenlei Song
    FAST '07RBF: A New Storage Structure for Space-Efficient Queries for Multidimensional Metadata in OSSYu Hua, Dan Feng
    FAST '07Diamonds Are Forever, Files Are NotSurendar Chandra, Ashish Gehani, Xuwen Yu
    FAST '07Secure, Archival Storage with POTSHARDSMark W. Storer, Kevin M. Greenan
    FAST '07SeFS: Unleashing the Power of Full-text Search on File SystemsGeorge Margaritis, Stergios V. Anastasiadis
    FAST '07Scaling Security for Big, Parallel File SystemsAndrew Leung, Ethan L. Miller
