
Search results

    OSDI '04Recovering Device DriversMichael M. Swift, Muthukaruppan Annamalai, Brian N. Bershad, Henry M. Levy
    OSDI '04Unmodified Device Driver Reuse and Improved System Dependability via Virtual MachinesJoshua LeVasseur, Volkmar Uhlig, Jan Stoess, Stefan Götz
    OSDI '04Microreboot—A Technique for Cheap RecoveryGeorge Candea, Shinichi Kawamoto, Yuichi Fujiki, Greg Friedman, Armando Fox
    OSDI '04Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes in Internet ServicesKiran Nagaraja, Fábio Oliveira, Ricardo Bianchini, Richard P. Martin, Thu D. Nguyen
    OSDI '04Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the HaystackAndrew Whitaker, Richard S. Cox, Steven D. Gribble
    OSDI '04Boxwood: Abstractions as the Foundation for Storage InfrastructureJohn MacCormick, Nick Murphy, Marc Najork, Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Lidong Zhou
    OSDI '04MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large ClustersJeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat
    OSDI '04FUSE: Lightweight Guaranteed Distributed Failure NotificationJohn Dunagan, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Michael B. Jones, Dejan Kostic, Marvin Theimer, Alec Wolman
    OSDI '04CoDNS: Improving DNS Performance and Reliability via Cooperative LookupsKyoungSoo Park, Vivek S. Pai, Zhe Wang
    OSDI '04Middleboxes No Longer Considered HarmfulMichael Walfish, Jeremy Stribling, Maxwell Krohn, Hari Balakrishnan, Robert Morris, Scott Shenker
    OSDI '04Correlating Instrumentation Data to System States: A Building Block for Automated Diagnosis and ControlIra Cohen, Jeffrey S. Chase, Moises Goldszmidt, Terence Kelly, Julie Symons
    OSDI '04Automatic Misconfiguration Troubleshooting with PeerPressureHelen J. Wang, John C. Platt, Yu Chen, Ruyun Zhang, Yi-Min Wang
    OSDI '04Using Magpie for Request Extraction and Workload ModellingPaul Barham, Austin Donnelly, Rebecca Isaacs, Richard Mortier
    OSDI '04Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System ErrorsJunfeng Yang, Paul Twohey, Dawson Engler, Madanlal Musuvathi
    OSDI '04ksniffer: Determining the Remote Client Perceived Response Time from Live Packet StreamsDavid P. Olshefski, Erich Nahum
    OSDI '04FFPF: Fairly Fast Packet FiltersHerbert Bos, Willem de Bruijn, Mihai Cristea, Trung Nguyen, Georgios Portokalidis
    OSDI '04Program-Counter-Based Pattern Classification in Buffer CachingChris Gniady, Ali R. Butt, Y. Charlie Hu
    OSDI '04Automated Worm FingerprintingSumeet Singh, Cristian Estan, George Varghese, Stefan Savage
    OSDI '04PlanetSeer: Internet Path Failure Monitoring and Characterization in Wide-Area ServicesMing Zhang, Chi Zhang, Vivek Pai, Larry Peterson, Randy Wang
    OSDI '04CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System CodeZhenmin Li, Shan Lu, Suvda Myagmar, Yuanyuan Zhou
    OSDI '04Deploying Safe User-Level Network Services with icTCPHaryadi S. Gunawi, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
    OSDI '04Energy-Efficiency and Storage Flexibility in the Blue File SystemEdmund B. Nightingale, Jason Flinn
    OSDI '04Life or Death at Block-LevelMuthian Sivathanu, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram
    OSDI '04Improving the Reliability of Internet Paths with One-hop Source RoutingKrishna P. Gummadi, Harsha V. Madhyastha, David Wetherall
    OSDI '04Enhancing Server Availability and Security Through Failure-Oblivious ComputingMartin Rinard, Cristian Cadar, Daniel Dumitran, Daniel M. Roy, Tudor Leu, William S. Beebee, Jr.
