21st USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference Attracts Speakers from Google, Motorola, AT&T, and Microsoft Research Labs

LISA '07 continues its tradition of providing in-depth training sessions with more than 50 tutorials offered over six days on topics including time management, high-capacity email system design, administering Linux in production environments and an introduction to Ruby, Rails, and Capistrano.

This year's keynote address, "Autonomic Administration: HAL 9000 Meets Gene Roddenberry," delivered by John Strassner, Motorola Fellow and Vice President, Autonomic Networking and Communications, Motorola Research Labs, explores how to enhance network management so that the promise of future technologies and services can be realized. Strassner, inventor of DEN (Directory Enabled Networks) and DEN-ng as a new paradigm for managing and provisioning networks and networked applications, will discuss some exciting new technologies and examples from autonomic research that can be applied to network and system administration.

The keynote address kicks off three days of technical sessions that include refereed papers on topics such as configuration management, security via firewalls, and virtualization; expert Guru Is In sessions; short Hit the Ground Running presentations; and over 20 invited talks. The talks include "Scaling Production Repairs and QA Operations in a Live Environment," by Google's Shane Knapp and Avleen Vig; "A Service-Oriented Data Grid: Beyond Storage Virtualization," by Network Appliance's Bruce Moxon; "The LHC Computing Challenge," by CERN's Tony Cass; and "Experiences with Scalable Network Operations at Akamai," by Akamai's Chief Systems Architect Erik Nygren.

A plenary session on "The Economic Meltdown of Moore's Law," delivered by Kenneth G. Brill, Executive Director, Uptime Institute, examines the implications for economic productivity of the fact that server power consumption improvement is occurring at a slower rate than increase in computer performance. Brill will challenge executives to change their economic decision models now or risk investing in new applications that can't pay back their real costs.

Conference attendees can also stroll through the Vendor Exhibition, which provides a showcase for the latest technologies and tools from industry leaders, start-ups, and open source projects.

Press Badges and Registration
For complimentary press badges contact Wendy Grubow at 831-626-7503 or wendy@usenix.org.

21st Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '07)
Hyatt Regency Dallas

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USENIX is the Advanced Computing Systems Association. For over 30 years, it has been the leading community for engineers, system administrators, scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the computing world. USENIX conferences are the essential meeting grounds for the presentation and discussion of technical advances in all aspects of computing systems. For more information about the USENIX Association, visit http://www.usenix.org/.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007