| Setting DNS's Hair on Fire | USENIX Security '08 | David Dagon, Paul Vixie |
| Verifying Compliance of Trusted Programs | USENIX Security '08 | Sandra Rueda, Dave King, Trent Jaeger |
| Helios: Web-based Open-Audit Voting | USENIX Security '08 | Ben Adida |
| VoteBox: A Tamper-evident, Verifiable Electronic Voting System | USENIX Security '08 | Daniel Sandler, Kyle Derr, Dan S. Wallach |
| The Ghost in the Browser and Other Frightening Stories About Web Malware | USENIX Security '08 | Niels Provos |
| An Empirical Security Study of the Native Code in the JDK | USENIX Security '08 | Gang Tan, Jason Croft |
| AutoISES: Automatically Inferring Security Specification and Detecting Violations | USENIX Security '08 | Lin Tan, Xiaolan Zhang, Xiao Ma, Weiwei Xiong, Yuanyuan Zhou |
| Real-World Buffer Overflow Protection for Userspace & Kernelspace | USENIX Security '08 | Michael Dalton, Hari Kannan, Christos Kozyrakis |
| Managing Insecurity: Practitioner Reflections on Social Costs of Security | USENIX Security '08 | Darren Lacey |
| Decoupling Dynamic Program Analysis from Execution in Virtual Environments | USENIX ATC '08 | Jim Chow, Tal Garfinkel, Peter M. Chen |
| Protection Strategies for Direct Access to Virtualized I/O Devices | USENIX ATC '08 | Paul Willmann, Scott Rixner, Alan L. Cox |
| Bridging the Gap between Software and Hardware Techniques for I/O Virtualization | USENIX ATC '08 | Jose Renato Santos, Yoshio Turner, G. (John) Janakiraman, Ian Pratt |
| Free and Open Source as Viewed by a Processor Developer | USENIX ATC '08 | Peter Kronowitt |
| Idle Read After Write—IRAW | USENIX ATC '08 | Alma Riska, Erik Riedel |
| Design Tradeoffs for SSD Performance | USENIX ATC '08 | Nitin Agrawal, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Ted Wobber, John D. Davis, Mark Manasse, Rina Panigrahy |
| Context-Aware Mechanisms for Reducing Interactive Delays of Energy Management in Disks | USENIX ATC '08 | Igor Crk, Chris Gniady |
| From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Modern Science of Origami | USENIX ATC '08 | Robert J. Lang |
| Optimizing TCP Receive Performance | USENIX ATC '08 | Aravind Menon, Willy Zwaenepoel |
| ConfiDNS: Leveraging Scale and History to Detect Compromise | USENIX ATC '08 | Lindsey Poole, Vivek S. Pai |
| Large-scale Virtualization in the Emulab Network Testbed | USENIX ATC '08 | Mike Hibler, Robert Ricci, Leigh Stoller, Jonathon Duerig, Shashi Guruprasad, Tim Stack, Kirk Webb, Jay Lepreau |
| Millicomputing: The Future in Your Pocket and Your Datacenter | USENIX ATC '08 | Adrian Cockcroft |
| FlexVol: Flexible, Efficient File Volume Virtualization in WAFL | USENIX ATC '08 | John K. Edwards, Daniel Ellard, Craig Everhart, Robert Fair, Eric Hamilton, Andy Kahn, Arkady Kanevsky, James Lentini, Ashish Prakash, Keith A. Smith, Edward Zayas |
| Fast, Inexpensive Content-Addressed Storage in Foundation | USENIX ATC '08 | Russ Cox, Alex Pesterev |
| Adaptive File Transfers for Diverse Environments | USENIX ATC '08 | Himabindu Pucha, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen, Michael A. Kozuch |
| Programming DNA: A 2-bit Language for Engineering Biology | USENIX ATC '08 | Drew Endy |