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    Rubah: Efficient, General-purpose Dynamic Software Updating for JavaHotSWUp '13Luís Pina, Michael Hicks
    Fine-grained Patches for Java Software UpgradesHotSWUp '13Eduardo R. B. Marques
    Safe Software Updates via Multi-version ExecutionHotSWUp '13Petr Hosek
    DynSec: On-the-fly Code Rewriting and RepairHotSWUp '13Mathias Payer, Boris Bluntschli, Thomas R. Gross
    Lightweight Framework for Runtime Updating of C-Based Software in Embedded SystemsHotSWUp '13Simon Holmbacka, Wictor Lund, Sébastien Lafond, Johan Lilius
    DSU on a Large Scale; or, How I Spent My Summer Chasing Void *'s and Battling Linkers and Dynamic LibrariesHotSWUp '13Karla Saur
    Prototyping DSU Techniques Using PythonHotSWUp '13Sébastien Martinez, Fabien Dagnat, Jérémy Buisson
    Issues in Version Aware SchedulingHotSWUp '13Len Bass
    Atomic Install in NewspeakHotSWUp '13Gilad Bracha
    E Pluribus Unum: The Promise, Limits, and Opportunities of Scale-out StorageHotStorage '13
    Software-defined StorageHotStorage '13
    RAIDq: A Software-friendly, Multiple-parity RAIDHotStorage '13Ming-Shing Chen, Bo-Yin Yang, Chen-Mou Cheng
    Efficiently Storing Virtual Machine BackupsHotStorage '13Stephen Smaldone, Grant Wallace, Windsor Hsu
    Improving I/O Performance Using Virtual Disk IntrospectionHotStorage '13Vasily Tarasov, Deepak Jain, Dean Hildebrand, Renu Tewari, Geoff Kuenning, Erez Zadok
    Low-Cost Data Deduplication for Virtual Machine Backup in Cloud StorageHotStorage '13Wei Zhang, Tao Yang, Gautham Narayanasamy, Hong Tang
    Challenges in Getting Flash Drives Closer to CPUHotStorage '13Myoungsoo Jung, Mahmut Kandemir
    Runtime I/O Re-Routing + Throttling on HPC StorageHotStorage '13Qing Liu, Norbert Podhorszki, Jeremy Logan, Scott Klasky
    Specialized Storage for Big Numeric Time SeriesHotStorage '13Ilari Shafer, Raja R. Sambasivan, Anthony Rowe, Gregory R. Ganger
    FDIO: A Feedback Driven Controller for Minimizing Energy in I/O-Intensive ApplicationsHotStorage '13Ioannis Manousakis, Manolis Marazakis, Angelos Bilas
    Fault Isolation and Quick Recovery in Isolation File SystemsHotStorage '13Lanyue Lu, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
    *-Box: Towards Reliability and Consistency in Dropbox-like File Synchronization ServicesHotStorage '13Yupu Zhang, Charlotte Dragga, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
    Mobile Data Sync in a BlinkHotStorage '13Nitin Agrawal, Akshat Aranya, Cristian Ungureanu
    Improving NAND Endurance by Dynamic Program and Erase ScalingHotStorage '13Jaeyong Jeong, Sangwook Shane Hahn, Sungjin Lee, Jihong Kim
    Dynamic Interval Polling and Pipelined Post I/O Processing for Low-Latency Storage Class MemoryHotStorage '13Dong In Shin, Young Jin Yu, Hyeong S. Kim, Jae Woo Choi, Do Yung Jung, Heon Y. Yeom
    What Systems Researchers Need to Know about NAND FlashHotStorage '13Peter Desnoyers
