All Conferences

USENIX conferences, as well as events held in cooperation with USENIX, are listed in reverse chronological order below.

Title Acronym Datesort ascending Location
5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies

Sponsored by USENIX, in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS, IEEE Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC), and IEEE TCOS

FAST '07 February 13, 2007February 16, 2007 San Jose, CA, United States
2007 Linux Storage & Filesystem Workshop LSF '07 February 12, 2007February 13, 2007 San Jose, CA, United States
20th Large Installation System Administration Conference

Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE

LISA '06 December 3, 2006December 8, 2006 Washington, D.C., United States
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference Middleware 2006 November 27, 2006December 1, 2006 Melbourne, Australia, Australia
Second Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability HotDep '06 November 8, 2006 Seattle, WA, United States
7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation

Sponsored by USENIX, in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS

OSDI '06 November 6, 2006November 8, 2006 Seattle, WA, United States
3rd USENIX Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems WORLDS '06 November 5, 2006 Seattle, WA, United States
Internet Measurement Conference 2006

Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM, in cooperation with USENIX

IMC 2006 October 25, 2006October 27, 2006 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil
2006 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop

Sponsored by USENIX and ACCURATE

EVT '06 August 1, 2006 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
First Workshop on Security Metrics MetriCon 1.0 August 1, 2006
First USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security HotSec '06 July 31, 2006 Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Canada
15th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Security '06 July 31, 2006August 4, 2006 Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Canada
2nd Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet SRUTI '06 July 7, 2006 San Jose, CA, United States
Fourth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

Jointly sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE and the USENIX Association, in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS

MobiSys2006 June 19, 2006June 22, 2006 Uppsala, Sweden, Sweden
First Workshop on Hot Topics in Autonomic Computing
Sponsored by IEEE, USENIX, and ACM
HotAC I June 16, 2006
