Another new SAGE booklet

Booklet #19, Configuration Management with Bcfg2, by Narayan Desai and Cory Lueninghoener, is now online for members and available for purchase. Whether you're wondering which configuration management tool—if any—is for you, or you've settled on Bcfg2 and are already deploying it, this booklet by Bcfg2 authors Narayan Desai and Cory Lueninghoener will provide you with valuable insights and advice. Take a look now!

OSDI ’08 Early Bird Deadline Approaching: November 17, 2008

The early bird deadline for OSDI ’08 is November 17, 2008.

Register Now to Save!

OSDI ’08 will take place December 8 -10, 2008 in San Diego, CA.

USENIX ’09 CFP Deadline: January 9, 2009

The submission deadline for the 2009 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is quickly approaching.

Please submit all work by January 9, 2009.

We seek high-quality submissions that further the knowledge and understanding of modern computing systems, with an emphasis on implementations and experimental results.

Find out more in the Call for Papers.

USENIX ’09 will take place June 14 -19, 2009 in San Diego, CA.

SysML '08 Online Registration Now Available!

Join us in San Diego, CA, December 11, 2008, for the Third Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques. The SysML workshop brings together researchers working at the intersection of machine learning and systems to discuss ideas and techniques that will benefit the future of both fields.

Registration is now open. The full program will be available soon.

Diversity '08 Student Grant Deadline Extended: November 17, 2008

The grant application deadline for Diversity '08 has been extended.
Applications are now due: November 17, 2008
Please complete this application by November 17 and answer the following
questions in your statement of interest (as required by NSF funding):
* Do you want to attend the Diversity workshop?
* Are you a woman or an underrepresented minority?
* At the time of the conference, will you be studying at a U.S. university?

LISA '08 Extended Poster Submissions Deadline Approaching

Submitting a poster is a great way to let other people know about your work and to meet other people who are interested in the same issues.
To submit a poster, please send a 1-5 page proposal or 6-12 PowerPoint slides in PDF to Please include your name, your affiliation, and the title of your poster. The deadline for submissions is November 3, 2008. The LISA '08 Poster Sessions will take place at the following times:

HotPower '08 Registration and Program Now Available!

Join us in San Diego, CA, December 7, 2008, for the first Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems. This workshop hopes to provide a forum in which to present the latest research and to debate directions, challenges, and novel ideas about building energy-efficient computing systems.
The full program is now available. Register today!

WASL '08 Program and Registration Now Available!

Join us in San Diego, CA, December 7, 2008, for the First USENIX Workshop on the Analysis of System Logs. System logs represent a rich source of information for the analysis and diagnosis of system problems and prediction of future system events. WASL '08 will focus on novel techniques for extracting more information from existing logs and on methods to improve the information content of future logs.

The full program is now available. Register today!

OSDI ’08 Registration Now Open

Join us in San Diego, CA, December 8–10, 2008, for innovative, exciting work in the systems area. The 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '08) brings together professionals from academic and industrial backgrounds in what has become a premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software. The program includes papers on cloud computing, OS architecture, monitoring, concurrency issues, and more.

WIOV ’08 Full Program and Online Registration Now Available!

The First Workshop on I/O Virtualization is meant to provide a forum to discuss challenges of I/O virtualization that span the virtual machine monitor, guest operating system, processor, memory subsystem, and I/O subsystem.

The full program is now available. Register today!


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