MetriCon 5.0 Call for Papers Now Available

The fifth annual MetriCon workshop is a forum for presenting new approaches for measuring information security effectiveness, with a bias towards practical, specific approaches. Topics and presentations will be selected for their novelty and merit, and their potential to stimulate discussion.

Now Open! USENIX WOOT '10 Call for Papers

WOOT ‘10 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in system security to present research advancing the understanding of attacks on operating systems, networks, and applications. A significant goal is producing published artifacts that will inform future work in the field.

Please submit your work by Friday, May 28, 2010.

Multitasking is great, when taken in moderation

I don't mean the multitasking that computers do, I mean the multitasking that we humans do (or at least try to do).

A recent study seems to indicate that we can really only perform two complicated tasks at once. The evidence is actually very interesting:

Submit Your Work to USENIX LISA '10

LISA is the place to exchange ideas, sharpen old and new skills, learn new techniques, debate current and controversial issues, and engage with a rich mix of technologists of all specialties and levels of expertise.

The theme for LISA '10 is "Share your experiences, both real-world and in research."

EVT/WOTE '10 Call for Papers Deadline Approaching

The submission deadline for the 2010 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE '10) is just a week away.

Please submit your work by Friday, April 16, 2010.

Submit Your Work to USENIX HotSec '10

HotSec '10 is looking for paper submissions that encompass research on topics including, but not limited to, large-scale threats, network security, hardware security, software security, programming languages, applied cryptography, anonymity, human-computer interaction, sociology, and economics.

Please submit your work by Monday, May 3, 2010.

USENIX CollSec ‘10 Submission Deadline is April 20

The submission deadline for the 2010 Workshop on Collaborative Methods for Security and Privacy (CollSec ‘10) is just under two weeks away.

Please submit your work by Tuesday, April 20, 2010.

USENIX HealthSec ‘10 Submission Deadline is April 9

The submission deadline for the 1st USENIX Workshop on Health Security and Privacy (HealthSec ‘10) is just under two weeks away.

Please submit your work by Friday, April 9, 2010.

NSDI '10 Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, April 5

Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount Registration Deadline! Register by Monday, April 5, 2010, and save!

The program includes 29 refereed papers representing some of the outstanding work in the area, with topics including cloud services, Web browsers and servers, datacenter and wireless networks, malware, and more.

USENIX INM/WREN ‘10 Program and Registration Available

Join us April 27, 2010, in San Jose, CA, for the 2010 Internet Network Management Workshop/Workshop on Research on Enterprise Networking (INM/WREN ‘10).

The joint INM/WREN workshop seeks to bring together researchers in two closely related communities: network management and enterprise networks. There are several synergies between the two communities, and this workshop provides a common forum for researchers working in this space.


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