See us at SCALE10x

USENIX will have a booth in the expo hall at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) event, which will be held January 20-22 in Los Angeles. As always, the SCALE team lined up an impressive schedule, and you’re sure to see some familiar faces from USENIX events. Hopefully I’ll see you there. In addition to attending the expo, I’ll be participating in the UpSCALE talks, which are 5-minute talks held Friday evening (January 20) at 8PM. They are a lot of fun and perfect for those of us who like concise, informative, and entertaining talks. My talk is 10 Way to Anger Your Admin. My slides are due by January 14th, but before I finish those up, I’d like to hear from you: What do your colleagues/system users do that drives you crazy? Leave a comment below if you’d like to contribute to my UpSCALE talk (and maybe even help stop a few annoyances before they happen).