SCALE10x Follow Up

Phew! Those SCALE folks know how to put on a fabulous event!

A big THANKS to all the organizers, volunteers, exhibitors, and attendees for making SCALE10x the best one yet. Also, I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by the USENIX booth. I loved seeing so many familiar faces and old friends, and it’s always great to meet new people each year, too.

If you didn’t get a copy of ;login: before we ran out, be sure to check out some of the free articles we have posted online or learn more about benefits of joining USENIX and SAGE on our membership page.

Also, I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to, attended, or gave me feedback on my UpSCALE talk: 10 Ways to Anger Your Admin.

Hopefully we’ll see you at a USENIX conference or another event soon!