Last Call to Save $125 on Registration: LOPSA-PICC Sysadmin Conference

The LOPSA-PICC Sysadmin Conference will be held May 11-12, 2012, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The early-bird discount was scheduled to end on March 30, but the deadline was extended by one week. Hurry and register if you want to save US$ 125.

How do you convince your boss to send you to the event?
The event organizers suggest that you tell your employer that tools and techniques you'll learn at PICC could have an ROI of weeks, not months. "You can learn how to 'do more with less' through automation, survive a crazy day via better personal time management, or prevent big headaches by learning about surprises others found while doing upgrades that you are likely to do this year," they say. Plus, you'll only miss one work day for the two-day conference. They even provided a template last year that you can modify and use if you still need help convincing your employer to pick up the event tab.

Register quickly to catch the early-bird discount.
