From Research to Practice: Experiences Engineering a Production Metadata Database for a Scale Out File System

TitleFrom Research to Practice: Experiences Engineering a Production Metadata Database for a Scale Out File System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsJohnson C, Keeton K, Morrey, III CB, Soules CAN, Veitch A, Bacon S, Batuner O, Condotta M, Coutinho H, Doyle PJ, Eichelberger R, Kiehl H, Magalhaes G, McEvoy J, Nagarajan P, Osborne P, Souza J, Sparkes A, Spitzer M, Tandel S, Thomas L, Zangaro S
Conference Name12th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 14)
Date Published02/2014
PublisherUSENIX Association
Conference LocationSanta Clara, CA
ISBN NumberISBN 978-1-931971-08-9