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    Basilisk: Remote Code Execution by Laser Excitation of P–N Junctions Without Insider AssistanceWOOT '24Joe Loughry, Kasper Rasmussen
    Exploiting Android’s Hardened Memory AllocatorWOOT '24Philipp Mao, Elias Valentin Boschung, Marcel Busch, Mathias Payer
    RIPencapsulation: Defeating IP Encapsulation on TI MSP DevicesWOOT '24Prakhar Sah, Matthew Hicks
    Oh No, My RAN! Breaking Into an O-RAN 5G Indoor Base StationWOOT '24Leon Janzen, Lucas Becker, Colin Wiesenäcker, Matthias Hollick
    The Power of Words: Generating PowerShell Attacks from Natural LanguageWOOT '24Pietro Liguori, Christian Marescalco, Roberto Natella, Vittorio Orbinato, Luciano Pianese
    WhatsApp with privacy? Privacy issues with IM E2EE in the Multi-device settingWOOT '24Tal A. Be'ery
    MakeShift: Security Analysis of Shimano Di2 Wireless Gear Shifting in BicyclesWOOT '24Maryam Motallebighomi, Earlence Fernandes, Aanjhan Ranganathan
    SoK: Where’s the “up”?! A Comprehensive (bottom-up) Study on the Security of Arm Cortex-M SystemsWOOT '24Xi Tan, Zheyuan Ma, Sandro Pinto, Le Guan, Ning Zhang, Jun Xu, Zhiqiang Lin, Hongxin Hu, Ziming Zhao
    Engineering a backdoored bitcoin walletWOOT '24Adam Scott, Sean Andersen
    SOK: 3D Printer Firmware Attacks on Fused Filament FabricationWOOT '24Muhammad Haris Rais, Muhammad Ahsan, Irfan Ahmed
    SoK: On the Effectiveness of Control-Flow Integrity in PracticeWOOT '24Lucas Becker, Matthias Hollick, Jiska Classen
    Amplifying Threats: The Role of Multi-Sender Coordination in SMS-Timing-Based Location Inference AttacksWOOT '24Evangelos Bitsikas, Theodor Schnitzler, Christina Pöpper, Aanjhan Ranganathan
    Achilles Heel in Secure Boot: Breaking RSA Authentication and Bitstream Recovery from Zynq-7000 SoCWOOT '24Prasanna Ravi, Arpan Jati, Shivam Bhasin
    Lessons Learned from the Embedded Capture-the-Flag (eCTF) competitionsWOOT '24
    AI Cyber ChallengeWOOT '24
    Beyond the Office Walls: Understanding Security and Shadow Security Behaviours in a Remote Work ContextSOUPS 2024Sarah Alromaih, Ivan Flechais, George Chalhoub
    "I would not install an app with this label": Privacy Label Impact on Risk Perception and Willingness to Install iOS AppsSOUPS 2024David G. Balash, Mir Masood Ali, Chris Kanich, Adam J. Aviv
    Digital Nudges for Access Reviews: Guiding Deciders to Revoke Excessive AuthorizationsSOUPS 2024Thomas Baumer, Tobias Reittinger, Sascha Kern, Günther Pernul
    "It was honestly just gambling": Investigating the Experiences of Teenage Cryptocurrency Users on RedditSOUPS 2024Elijah Bouma-Sims, Hiba Hassan, Alexandra Nisenoff, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Nicolas Christin
    "Violation of my body:" Perceptions of AI-generated non-consensual (intimate) imagerySOUPS 2024Natalie Grace Brigham, Miranda Wei, Tadayoshi Kohno, Elissa M. Redmiles
    What Motivates and Discourages Employees in Phishing Interventions: An Exploration of Expectancy-Value TheorySOUPS 2024Xiaowei Chen, Sophie Doublet, Anastasia Sergeeva, Gabriele Lenzini, Vincent Koenig, Verena Distler
    Write, Read, or Fix? Exploring Alternative Methods for Secure Development StudiesSOUPS 2024Kelsey R. Fulton, Joseph Lewis, Nathan Malkin, Michelle L. Mazurek
    "Say I'm in public...I don't want my nudes to pop up." User Threat Models for Using Vault ApplicationsSOUPS 2024Chris Geeng, Natalie Chen, Kieron Ivy Turk, Jevan Hutson, Damon McCoy
    Of Mothers and Managers – The Effect of Videos Depicting Gender Stereotypes on Women and Men in the Security and Privacy FieldSOUPS 2024Nina Gerber, Alina Stöver, Peter Mayer
    Privacy Requirements and Realities of Digital Public GoodsSOUPS 2024Geetika Gopi, Aadyaa Maddi, Omkhar Arasaratnam, Giulia Fanti
