Hands-On Intro to Kubernetes

Bayview Room
Half Day Morning
9:00 am12:30 pm
LISA17: Architecture

Kick off your journey to becoming a DevOps master by learning Kubernetes from the ground up. Get started with an introduction to distributed systems and the architecture behind Kubernetes; then learn about Kubernetes APIs and API object primitives. By the end of this workshop you’ll be deploying, scaling, and automating container-based solutions using open source tools for distributed computing.

Slides: http://bit.ly/lisa17-k8s. Bring a laptop with the following materials: http://bit.ly/lisa17-k8s#/workshop-setup.

Who should attend: 

For developers, systems administrators, "DevOps" folks, architects, and those who are interested in learning about distributed systems via hands-on examples. Attendees should have some basic knowledge of Linux Containers (docker) and have an interest in using distributed architectures to develop web solutions.

Take back to work: 

Attendees will learn how to deploy, scale, update, and manage container-based solutions through hands-on examples and exercises

Topics include: 

Kubernetes, Distributed computing and solutions delivery, SRE, container operations

Presentation Type: 