Jamie Riedesel, HelloSign
LogStash can scale. From all-in-one boxes (S) to architectures that involve routing log-lines to separate parsing clusters run by different business units (L), LogStash can do it. In this talk, I will be going over the foundations of LogStash architectures; such as the components of LogStash, where it can be deployed, working with ElasticSearch, and an overview of human interfaces to this data.
Jamie Riedesel, HelloSign

Jamie Riedesel is a DevOps Engineer at HelloSign and has been performing acts of systems administration and engineering since 1997, and more dev-like things since 2010. She moved from corporate IT to the startup space in 2010 and experienced the good kind of culture shock. Jamie has been blogging as sysadmin1138 since 2004, a community elected moderator on ServerFault since 2010, and awarded the Chuck Yerkes community award by LOPSA in 2015.

author = {Jamie Riedesel},
title = {S, M, and L Logstash Architectures: The Foundations},
year = {2017},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct
People new to logstash, and are looking to get more information about how it works.
People will come away with an improved understanding about how LogStash works under the hood, ways it can be used, and some idea about how to display all of that information.
LogStash, Kibana, Grafana, Syslog, ElasticSearch