Kind Engineering: How to Engineer Kindness

Tuesday, June 01, 2021 - 12:00 pm12:45 pm

Evan Smith, Solvemate


Software Engineering is an environment that is rife with worrying stereotypes like the "Brilliant Jerk" and the "Peter Principle." How do you be a kind engineer and encourage kindness in engineering? For the last couple years, Evan has been exploring what it means to be a Kind Engineer through books, media and interviews. It's called different things in different circles but ultimately it leads back to one fact: people who give more unconditionally make themselves happier, their teams happier and their companies happier.

This talk will cover practical tips for becoming a kinder engineer through the following topics: code reviews, psychological safety, giving/receiving feedback and honesty in the workplace.

Evan Smith, Solvemate

Evan Smith is a Site Reliability Engineer with the remote German company Solvemate and is responsible for managing the infrastructure, CI/CD, incident response and monitoring, as well as promoting a culture of kindness and learning.

@conference {272779,
author = {Evan Smith},
title = {Kind Engineering: How to Engineer Kindness},
year = {2021},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = jun

Presentation Video