Welcome to all LISA21 speakers!
If you have questions, please contact production@usenix.org or your Program Co-Chairs, Carolyn Rowland and Avleen Vig, lisa21chairs@usenix.org.
Important Dates
- Program materials (descriptions, bios, etc.) due from speakers: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
- Consent form signature deadline: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
- Presentation videos and slides due from speakers: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
- If edits are needed, you will be notified by Tuesday, May 18, 2021, and will need to submit your changes by Tuesday, May 25, 2021.
To-Do List
- Submit your Updated Program Materials.
Edit your accepted submission(s) in the LISA21 HotCRP submission site, and fill out the new fields for public posting: talk title, talk abstract, speaker name, speaker affiliation, speaker bio, headshot. Your changes will appear on the LISA21 program page. - Sign your Consent to Publish form.
USENIX requires a signed consent form from all presenters, which allows us to publish the slides and/or video of your talk. USENIX makes these freely available to the public as part of our commitment to open access. Please review and e-sign the LISA21 Consent Form for Talks and Panels. If your company requires that you sign its speaker release form instead, please send the completed version to consent@usenix.org. - Register for the Conference.
The USENIX Conference Department will contact you with instructions for registering online. - Read the USENIX Event Code of Conduct and USENIX Event Guidelines for Speakers.
Please ensure that your talk follows the guidelines outlined in the Code of Conduct for USENIX Events and Online Community Spaces. - Prepare and Submit Your Presentation Videos and Slides.
For our virtual events, you are required to record a video of your talk that integrates your slides with footage of you speaking. Your video and slide deck are due via our Box upload link by Tuesday, May 4, 2021. This video will be played live for you by the USENIX staff during the conference at your designated time slot in the program.
Use of Images, Audio, and Video in Your Materials
It is very important that you secure permission to use copyright-protected materials in your slide deck, video, or other materials used at a conference or submitted for publication. Even when an item has a Creative Commons license, you must read and comply with the terms of the license.
USENIX receives copyright infringement notices from time to time, resulting from authors or speakers using copyright-protected materials without proper licensing or attribution. When this happens, we have to unpublish the work in question until/unless the issue is resolved. Licensing fees may be incurred, even when the work is unpublished, and USENIX will bill the author or speaker for any costs incurred. When possible, USENIX will refer the complainant directly to the author or speaker, who will be solely responsible for resolving the complaint.
Video Specifications
- Length: 30 minutes
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Leave sufficient space in the top-right corner for the speaker inset showing you presenting your talk.
- Introduction slide that clearly lists the title of your talk and your name.
- Closing slide to thank your audience and/or collaborators and to display your contact information should you wish to receive follow-up questions from attendees.
- File format: PDF
- File name: lisa21_slides_[yourlastname].pdf (e.g. lisa21_slides_smith.pdf)
Slides Specifications
- File format: H.264 MP4
- Resolution: 1080p
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Max file size: 500MB
- Clearly audible audio (headphones and headsets are permitted)
- File name: lisa21_video_[yourlastname].mp4 (e.g. lisa21_video_smith.mp4)
- Fullscreen slides with a speaker inset, as shown here:
Please ensure that your speaker inset does not cover any pertinent information on your slides.
- Need help preparing your video? See our document, "USENIX Virtual Conferencing Video Instructions for Presenters," for step-by-step instructions, additional tips, and best practices.
- Need a background to hide your messy office? Download one of USENIX video conference backgrounds.