The Remote Working Security Conundrum: What Is Reasonably Secure Anyway?

Thursday, June 03, 2021 - 8:45 am9:15 am

Alex Sharp, OrionVM


Securing a remote work environment presents a unique set of challenges: from possibly adversarial networks and insecure physical environments through to authentication and segmentation hurdles. This talk runs through the stack, from physical security through to the application layer, highlighting interesting, important, or novel technology choices we made and the reasoning behind them. Examples include the use of QubesOS to allow virtualization to segment potentially sensitive web browsers, or the heads firmware image to secure the boot environment via the TPM.

Alex Sharp, OrionVM

Alex Sharp is the CTO and cofounder of OrionVM, a high performance wholesale cloud computing provider. He was one of the Forbes 30 under 30 in 2016, a Hills Young Innovator of the Year, and is an ardent supporter of the Mars Society, believing resolutely that humanity must become a multi-planetary species.

@conference {272765,
author = {Alex Sharp},
title = {The Remote Working Security Conundrum: What Is Reasonably Secure Anyway?},
year = {2021},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = jun

Presentation Video