Panel: Sysadmins Ask the Managers

Friday, December 9, 2016 - 2:45pm3:30pm

Moderator: Andy Seely, Science Applications International Corporation
Panelists: Carolyn Rowland, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Cory Lueninghoener, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Mike Rembetsy, Bloomberg; Scott Cromar, Convergys; Connie-Lynne Villani, Grilled Cheese Invitational


Sysadmins Ask the Managers is a guided question and answer panel with technical managers from different industries and at different managerial levels. Part "Dilbert," part "One FTE," and part "XKCD," the panel will offer management vision and explore management topics as they relate to every sysadmin’s life. Come to ask the hard questions you always wished you could, and hear managers talk about how they define success, what they see as their challenges, what they expect out of employees, and how they can help you. Take away real insight into the relationship between sysadmins and managers that will lead to stronger relationships, reduced friction, and more effective teams.

The managers panel will consist of four to five people from different industries and levels of management, where all have at least direct supervisory responsibility. The goal will be a range of junior to senior managers.

Andy Seely, SAIC

Andrew “Andy” Seely is a Solution Architect for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in Tampa, Florida. He got his start in IT as a night shift tier-one and spent the last 20 years in the government and military sector, growing as a sysadmin, engineer, supervisor, and eventually a technical manager for small and large teams. Along the way, he learned that the hardest skill of a good manager is knowing when to be the boss and knowing when to be quiet and listen. Andy shared many of his management experiences in his bimonthly column “/var/log/manager” for USENIX ;login: magazine in 2014 and 2015, and he has chaired the Government and Military System Administration Workshop at LISA almost every year since 2008.

LISA16 Open Access Sponsored by Bloomberg

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@conference {201581,
author = {Andy Seely},
title = {Panel: Sysadmins Ask the Managers},
year = {2016},
address = {Boston, MA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = dec

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