usenix conference policies
To enhance your USENIX Federated Conferences experience, attendee events are planned throughout the week. They are open to every attendee at USENIX Federated Conferences Week. Attend the very popular Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs). Mingle with your peers and technological luminaries during the reception. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to network with colleagues working in multiple disciplines. Check back here for the latest additions to the activities schedule. Monday Happy Hour and HotPar '13 Poster SessionMonday, June 24, 5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m., Imperial Ballroom Whether this is your first time at a USENIX event or your tenth, please stop by the opening Monday Happy Hour to start your week off right. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet your peers while enjoying refreshments and hor d'oeuvres and checking out the HotPar '13 posters. This poster session provides an opportunity to present early-stage work and receive feedback from the community. Each HotPar '13 paper will be presented, as well as additional posters listed here. Tuesday Happy HourTuesday, June 25, 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m., Market Street Foyer Mingle with attendees from multiple disciplines at the Tuesday Happy Hour. |
Annual Meeting with the USENIX BoardWednesday, June 26, 5:45 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Come meet the USENIX Board of Directors and staff. Find out what's going on and give us your ideas on how we can better serve you. Wednesday Happy Hour and ICAC '13 Poster SessionWednesday, June 26, 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m., Market Street Foyer The ICAC '13 poster session will be held in conjunction with a happy hour and will allow researchers to present recent and ongoing projects. Curious about autonomic computing? This is the place to learn all about the emerging work from this community. FCW '13 Reception and HotStorage '13 Poster SessionThursday, June 27, 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m., Market Street Foyer Don't miss the USENIX FCW '13 Reception, featuring dinner, drinks, and the chance to connect with other attendees, speakers, and conference organizers. Also, check out the peer-reviewed HotStorage presentations represented by posters during the reception. Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs)Tuesday, June 25, 8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. Lead or attend a BoF! Meet with your peers! Present new work! Don't miss these special activities designed to maximize the value of your time at the conference. The always popular evening Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are very informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic. Learn about and schedule a BoF on the FCW '13 Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions page. |
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