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Call for Papers

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  Call for Papers in PDF Format

November 8-10, 2001

Three days of technical sessions feature refereed papers and invited talks by industry luminaries. Refereed papers are from the community, submitted by authors anxious to share their technical advances, and can win valuable cash and prizes! Papers are published in the Proceedings provided to conference attendees in print and on CD-ROM. Refereed papers present problems and solutions in all areas from kernel internals to real world practical experience.

ALS seeks refereed papers on topics relating to Linux and the Open Source world. Topics of interest include:

  • Embedded Linux Application Development and Deployment
  • Linux Kernel Enhancements
  • Linux Clustering and High Availability
  • Internet and Networking Services
  • Desktop Interfaces Design: GNOME and KDE
  • Security, Security, Security
  • Linux Performance Tuning
  • World Domination

Selection will be based on the quality of the written submission and whether the work advances the state of the art on Linux technologies. Please see the detailed author guidelines on the website, including sample extended abstracts and final papers.

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