Wednesday, 30 October, 2024 - 11:00–11:40 GMT
Marc Tudurí, Grafana Labs
eBPF allows to attach programs in the Linux Kernel and inspect the runtime memory of the Kernel and user programs at runtime. Join us in this session to discover how Grafana Beyla works, our eBPF-based instrumentation tool, and how is a Kubernetes a first-class citizen. We will describe how we match the low-level abstractions from eBPF with the Kubernetes metadata, allowing Kubernetes users to have out-of-the box observability for their running applications.
Marc Tudurí, Grafana Labs

Marc Tudurí is a Prometheus contributor, OpenTelemetry member and Software Engineer at Grafana.

@conference {302239,
author = {Marc Tudur{\'\i}},
title = {From {PIDs} to Pods: The Life Cycle of an {eBPF-Autoinstrumented} Application},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct
author = {Marc Tudur{\'\i}},
title = {From {PIDs} to Pods: The Life Cycle of an {eBPF-Autoinstrumented} Application},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct