Thiara Ortiz, Netflix
At Netflix, ensuring exceptional quality for our streaming platform is crucial. Every time a Netflix member sits down, reclines in their chair, and turns on their TV, it's a moment of truth. It's our opportunity to deliver a spectacular service with amazing quality of experience. Misses, errors, or high latency—whether due to ISP configuration changes, code deployment, or catastrophic fallback—impact how our service is perceived.
In this talk, I'll share methods for defining thresholds for SLOs, ranging from intuition and industry best practices to advanced techniques like A/B experimentation. At Netflix, properly defining SLOs allows us to ensure industry-leading quality of experience for our members.
Thiara Ortiz, Netflix

Thiara is a Staff CDN Reliability Engineer at Netflix. Over the last four years, Thiara has been working on Open Connect, improving the resilience of the Netflix service for members around the world. Most recently, Thiara has been heavily involved with the introduction of Cloud Gaming on the Netflix platform. This talk was inspired by the need to define SLOs for an emerging service.

author = {Thiara Ortiz},
title = {Achieving Excellence: {SLO} Thresholds That Transform Service Quality},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct