Capacity Management for Fun & Profit

Note: Presentation times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Tuesday, 12 October, 2021 - 16:4517:15

Aly Fulton, Elastic


Are you looking to move past the "throw unoptimized infrastructure at a problem and worry about waste later" stage? Join me as I talk about my journey green fielding all things infrastructure capacity for Elastic's growing multi-cloud-based SaaS. This talk is NOT about cost savings or cost optimization directly in the traditional sense, but you will discover that proper capacity management and planning do lead to increasing profit margins!

Aly Fulton, Elastic

Aly Fulton is a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Elastic focusing on all things capacity for the Cloud team. She loves infrastructure, numbers, and when her code works the first time (that one time). When she's not preventing Cloud fires, you can find her geeking out about native trees, exploring the world with her family, or living a digital alter ego in some MMORPG.

SREcon21 Open Access Sponsored by Indeed

@conference {276655,
author = {Aly Fulton},
title = {Capacity Management for Fun \& Profit},
year = {2021},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct

Presentation Video