Thanks for joining us in Baltimore for the 2018 USENIX Summit on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec '18). We hope you enjoyed the event.
As part of our commitment to open access to research, the presentation slides are free and open to the public on the Summit Program page. Presentation slides are posted as we receive them.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, July 23, 2018
See the Registration Information page for details.
Speakers and Program Committee Members
Please contact the Conference Department for registration information.
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna St
Baltimore, MD 21202
+1 410.385.3000
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Monday, July 23, 2018.
Hotel Discount Deadline Extended! Book your room by Monday, July 30, 2018 and save!
USENIX has negotiated a special room rate of $199 per night plus tax for single/double occupancy for conference attendees. To receive this special rate, book your room online or call +1 800.228.9290 and mention USENIX or Security ‘18. The group rate will be available until the hotel reservation deadline, or until the block sells out, whichever occurs first.
See the Venue, Hotel, and Travel page for more information.

About HotSec '18
For general information, call USENIX at +1 510.528.8649 or send direct queries via email:
Student Grants:
Summit Organizers
USENIX welcomes corporate sponsorship of our events. Your sponsorship exposes your brand to highly qualified attendees, funds our grant award program, supports the USENIX open access policy, and keeps USENIX conferences affordable.
For more information, please contact the Sponsorship Department with the conference name in your subject line, or call +1 510.528.8649.