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1 Introduction

The idea of prefetching Web pages has surely occurred to many people as they used their browsers. It often takes ``too long'' to load and display a requested page, and thereafter several seconds often elapse before the user's next request. It is natural to wonder if the substantial time between two consecutive requests could be used to anticipate and prefetch the second request.

The related work section of this paper cites 14 distinct prior studies of prefetching for the Web. In each of these studies, any transparent prefetching algorithm (meaning that the user is uninvolved) is also speculative. Speculative means that some system component makes a guess about a user's future page references based on some knowledge of past references, gathered from that user alone or from many users.

This paper examines a new method for prefetching Web pages into the client cache that is also transparent and speculative. While the basic approach to prefetching is the same in all studies, major differences among prefetching methods lie in the details. The major characteristics that distinguish this study from prior ones are:

  1. We have implemented our ideas, twice in fact.
  2. Clients send reference information to servers, which then disperse aggregated information to other clients in near-real-time. The reference information indicates how often hyperlink URLs embedded in pages have been previously accessed relative to the embedding page.
  3. Servers aggregate the reference information in near-real-time rather than, say, overnight, allowing for prefetching decisions based on up-to-date usage patterns.
  4. Clients initiate prefetching according to any algorithm they prefer; they also control how to age reference information.
  5. Prefetching is not limited to URLs on the same server, or to URLs previously accessed by the same client.
  6. Many un-cacheable pages may be prefetched, including pages generated dynamically, by query URLs, or those having cookies.
  7. Both client and server can cap the prefetching mechanism's overhead and waste.
  8. In one implementation, proxies are used to avoid changing either the browser or Web server.
  9. HTTP is extended.
  10. The prefetching algorithm continually measures bandwidth available to the client and limits prefetching requests to a fraction of the available bandwidth.
Most of these characteristics are not shared by most prior studies.

The result of these differences is improved prefetching: lower client latency (52.3% reduction) and much less waste (62.5% of prefetched pages are eventually used).

Section 1.1 gives a brief sketch of how prefetching works. Section 2 summarizes prior work in the area. Section 3 describes some conclusions, drawn from reference traces, that support certain design decisions, and Section 4 describes the design as well as two implementations. Section 5.1 analyzes the costs and benefits of this approach to prefetching.

1.1 Summary of Prefetching Method

Upon their first contact in ``a while,'' a client and server negotiate the terms of prefetching: whether it will happen, and when and how much information they will exchange to support it.

Once terms have been negotiated, clients send usage reports to servers promptly but as part of the critical path of a GET request. Usage reports describe the fact that one or more URLs embedded within a page was recently referenced from that page. For example, if a client references page P and then references page Q based on an HREF embedded in P, then the usage report will indicate that P referenced Q; the usage report will also include other information useful for prefetching, such as the size of Q and all its embedded images, and how much time elapsed between the reference to P and the reference to Q.

The server makes a best effort to accumulate the information from all usage reports that pertain to the same page, P; the usage reports are kept ordered by time. Whenever the server delivers P to a prefetch-enabled client, it attaches a summary (called a usage profile) of the information that it has obtained from earlier usage reports for that page, from all clients. The summary, whose format was negotiated earlier, indicates how often HREFs embedded in page P have been referenced, relative to the number of references to P in the same time period(s). Time is measured by references; thus, for example, a client can negotiate to receive usage profiles that describe the references of embedded HREFs relative to the last 10, 25, and 50 references of the page P.

A client that receives a usage profile along with page P may choose whether or not to prefetch any HREFs embedded in P, according to any algorithm it prefers. The decisions whether and how to prefetch rest with the client because the client best knows its own usage patterns, the state of its cache, and the effective bandwidth of its link to the Internet.

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