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Proactive Disconnections

The main idea explored in this paper is that of performing user replacement in modem pools. The general problem we are addressing, however, is that of predicting future idle times for user connections to the Internet. Thus, our mechanisms could find application in other domains. A prominent opportunity appears in the case of proactive user disconnections. This is the problem studied by Douglis and Killian [DK99]. Their adaptive timeout technique aims at reducing the total connect time across users. Proactive disconnects are interesting when either the service provider or the user is charged more for longer connection times. (As Douglis and Killian admit, ``Examples of this in the general ISP market are rare, but some services that function effectively as ISPs do observe this property.'') The tradeoffs involved in such a setting are interesting. For instance, there may be a connection initiation fee for users, so a disconnection should be performed only if the charge of staying connected is higher than the charge of connecting anew.

The formulation of the proactive disconnection problem is similar to that of the replacement problem. There are two thresholds, tex2html_wrap_inline490 and tex2html_wrap_inline568 . tex2html_wrap_inline490 is the minimum idle time before a user is eligible for disconnection. tex2html_wrap_inline568 is the minimum user inactivity time after an automatic disconnection, for the disconnection to be considered successful. (``Successful'' may mean cost-effective, psychologically acceptable, or both.)

It is interesting to consider a proactive disconnection algorithm based on the same predictions of future idle time as those made by our replacement algorithms. We have implemented an algorithm called CIRG-proactive that uses the same information as the CIRG replacement policy to estimate the future idle time for every user and disconnects any user with an expected future idle time that is longer than tex2html_wrap_inline568 . For instance, assume a value of 5 minutes for tex2html_wrap_inline568 , and a user who has been idle for 6 minutes and has an idle list:

2, 5, 13, ...
(these values in minutes). The user will be disconnected, since her expected future idle time is 7 (for a total idle time of 13).

We have performed experiments with CIRG-proactive and compared it to the Douglis and Killian technique. We should emphasize that our results are preliminary. The reason is that we have not re-implemented the Douglis and Killian mechanism. Hence, we could not examine its effects on our long traces (the Telesys traces). Instead, we use the measurements already computed by Douglis and Killian for the AT&T Labs trace and compare them to the performance of CIRG-proactive.

Figure 7: Fault severity and absolute number of faults vs. relative connect time for three policies: a fixed timeout policy, CIRG-proactive, and the Douglis and Killian technique (``adaptive timeout''). Connection times are normalized with respect to the connection time of an optimal, off-line policy.

Figure 7 presents the results of our comparison. It shows two scatter plots: one of fault severities and connection times and another of absolute fault counts and connection times. Both show results for a fixed timeout policy, CIRG-proactive, and the Douglis and Killian technique applied to the AT&T Labs trace, with 15 workaholics excluded. Connection times are normalized with respect to the connection time of an optimal, off-line (i.e., clairvoyant) policy. That is, the optimal policy would encounter 0 faults for a relative connect time of 1. The value of tex2html_wrap_inline568 is 5 minutes and the values of tex2html_wrap_inline490 for the fixed timeout policy are 2, 5, 10, and 15 minutes. (These values are chosen to be identical with those used by Douglis and Killian in their study.) The values of tex2html_wrap_inline490 for CIRG-proactive are all integral minute values from 1 to 15 minutes. 18 data points for the Douglis and Killian technique are plotted, each for a different combination of adaptivity (multiplicative or additive) and different parameters. As we are comparing to the approach as a whole, we do not distinguish between the different flavors of the Douglis and Killian technique (for this, the reader is referred to [DK99]).

We can see from Figure 7 that CIRG-proactive performs on average just as well as the Douglis and Killian policy and they both perform significantly better than fixed timeouts. Nevertheless, the values for the Douglis and Killian approach are clustered together in the connect-time/user-inconvenience space, while CIRG-proactive offers a wider range of options in the tradeoff between user inconvenience and total connect time. It is worth noting that CIRG-proactive offers this wide range of options with only a single parameter that can be tuned (the tex2html_wrap_inline490 minimum idle time for disconnection) while the Douglis and Killian approach has several degrees of variability (additive vs. multiplicative adaptivity with two numeric parameters for each variant). The wide range of CIRG-proactive values means that we can argue that CIRG-proactive is strictly better than a fixed timeout policy: For each fixed timeout point in the plot, we can find a CIRG-proactive point that is below it and to its left. That is, for each fixed timeout setting, we can find a value of tex2html_wrap_inline490 for CIRG-proactive so that it incurs both a lower fault severity (or fewer faults) and a lower total connect time. The Douglis and Killian technique provides no such guarantee for the values shown.

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Yannis Smaragdakis
Tue Apr 25 15:09:47 EDT 2000