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USENIX Summer 1992 Technical Conference
June 8–12, San Antonio, TX
Our thanks go to Stuart McRobert of Imperial College London for the PDFs presented here.
Covers and Frontmatter
Plenary Session, 9:30–10:30 Chair: Rick Adams
Opening Remarks and Announcements
Keynote Address: Technological Maturity and the History of UNIX
Stuart I. Feldman, Bellcore
Threads, 11:00–12:30 Chair: Dave Nichols
Implementing Lightweight Threads
D. Stein and D. Shah, SunSoft, Inc.
Beyond Multiprocessing: Multithreading the SunOS Kernel
J.R. Eykholt, S.R. Kleiman, S. Barton, R. Faulkner, A. Shivalingiah, M. Smith, D. Stein, J. Voll, M. Weeks, and D. Williams, SunSoft, Inc.
File System Multithreading in System V Release 4 MP
J. Kent Peacock, Intel Multiprocessor Consortium
Performance Art, 2:00–3:30 Chair: Margo Seltzer
The Recovery Box: Using Fast Recovery to Provide High Availability in the UNIX Environment
Mary Baker and Mark Sullivan, University of California, Berkeley
On Migrating a Distributed Application to a Multi-Threaded Environment
Thuan Q. Pham and Pankaj K. Garg, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Cheap Mutual Exclusion
William Moran, Jr., Swiss Bank Corp Investment Banking; Farnam Jahanian, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Applications, 4:00–5:30 Chair: Jim Thompson
TDBM: A DBM Library with Atomic Transactions
Barry Brachman and Gerald Neufeld, University of British Columbia
VNS Retriever: Querying MEDLINE over the Internet
Kevin Brook Long, Jerry Fowler, and Stan Barber, Baylor College of Medicine
InterNetNews: Usenet Transport for Internet Sites
Rich Salz, Open Software Foundation
Virtuality, 9:00–10:30 Chair: Ken Ingham
Tiled Virtual Memory for UNIX
James Franklin, Kodak Electronic Printing Systems
A Scalable Implementation of Virtual Memory HAT Layer for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Machines
Ramesh Balan and Kurt Gollhardt, UNIX System Laboratories
Virtual Window Systems: A New Approach to Supporting Concurrent Heterogeneous Windowing Systems
Rita Pascale and Jeremy Epstein, TRW Systems Division
Planning for Failure, 2:00–3:30 Chair: Elein Mustain
A Discipline of Error Handling
Doug Moen
Regression Testing and Conformance Testing Interactive Programs
Don Libes, National Institute of Standards and Technology
NeD: The Network Extensible Debugger
Paul Maybee, Solbourne Computer, Inc.
Performance & Availability Systems, 4:00–5:30 Chair: Keith Bostic
The Continuous Media File System
David P. Anderson, University of California, Berkeley; Yoshitomo Osawa, Sony Corporation;
Ramesh Govindan, University of California, Berkeley
Mainframe Services from Gigabit-Networked Workstations
J-P. Baud, C. Boissat, F. Cane, F. Hemmer, E. Jagel, A. Kumar, G. Lee, B. Panzer-Steindel, L. Robertson, B. Segal, A . Trannoy, and I. Zacharov, CERN
A Highly Available Lock Manager for HA-NFS
Anupam Bhide, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; Spencer Shepler, IBM Austin
CPP: Threat or Menace? 9:00–10:30 Chair: Judy Grass
#ifdef Considered Harmful, or Portability Experience with C News
Henry Spencer, University of Toronto; Geoff Collyer, Software Tool & Die
Incl: A Tool to Analyze Include Files
Kiem-Phong Vo and Yih-Farn Chen, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Large Scale Porting through Parameterization
David Tilbrook and Russell Crook, Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems Ltd.
System Admin, 2:00–3:30 Chair: Guy Harris
Performance of a Parallel Network Backup Manager
James da Silva, Ólafur Guömundsson, and Daniel Mossé, University of Maryland
The DIDS (Distributed Intrusion Detection System) Prototype
Steven R. Snapp and Stephen E. Smaha, Haystack Laboratories, Inc.; Daniel M. Teal and Tim Grance, United States Air Force Cryptologic Support Center
A Privilege Mechanism for UNIX System V Release 4 Operating Systems
Charles Salemi, Suryakanta Shah, and Eric Lund, UNIX System Laboralories, Inc.
Misc., 4:00–5:30 Chair: Margo Seltzer
TCP/IP and OSI Interoperability with the X Window System
Nancy Crowther and Joyce Graham, IBM Cambridge Scientific Center
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