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Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Program Committee, we invite you to attend the Second Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS '05), taking place December 13, 2005, in San Francisco, California.

WORLDS '05 will bring together people who are exploring the new challenges of building widely distributed networked systems and who lean toward the "rough consensus and running code" school of systems building.

The workshop will offer talks followed by general discussion on a number of fresh ideas concentrated on distributed systems, including those that:

  • Span a significant portion of the globe
  • Spread over a large number of sites
  • Are designed to run on a real platform for a period of time
WORLDS is a place to share new ideas, experiences, and work in progress, with an emphasis on systems that actually run in the wide area and the specific challenges they present for designers and researchers.

Register by November 21, 2005, and save!

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco on December 13, 2005.

For the WORLDS '05 Program Committee,

Brad Karp, Intel Research Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University
Vivek Pai, Princeton University
WORLDS '05 Program Co-Chairs

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Last changed: 5 Dec. 2005 rc