Technical Sessions
AUGUST 1, 2002
8:45 am10:30
Opening Remarks,
Best Paper Awards, and Keynote Address
Keynote: Stop Thinking Outside the Box. There Is No Box.
Robert Berry, Distinguished Engineer, The IBM Centre for Java Technology
It has become crucial for developers to understand the many trends and influences driving JVM innovation today. What effect will Web services, grid exploitation, and other applications have on Java programming models and performance? Why do new applications still contain custom object managers to sidestep JVM garbage collection? What are the implications of aspect-oriented tools for languages like Java? What does the new focus on autonomic computing and self-healing systems imply for the Java VM? Finally, what effects will the current trends in hardware have? All of these offer enormous opportunities to have fun and to continue Java's extraordinary history of innovation.
10:30 am11:00
am Break
11:00 am12:30
Memory Management
Session Chair: Bernd Mathiske, Sun Microsystems
Adaptive Garbage Collection for Battery-Operated Environments
G. Chen, M. Kandemir, N. Vijaykrishnan, and M. J. Irwin, The Pennsylvania State University; M. Wolczko, Sun Microsystems
Concurrent Remembered Set Refinement in Generational Garbage Collection
David Detlefs and Ross Knippel, Sun Microsystems; William D. Clinger, Northeastern University; Matthias Jacob, Princeton University
To Collect or Not to Collect? Machine Learning for Memory Management
Eva Andreasson, BEA/Appeal Virtual Machines; Frank Hoffmann, Royal Institute of Technology; Olof Lindholm, BEA/Appeal Virtual Machines
12:30 pm2:00
pm Lunch
2:00 pm3:00
Java on x86
Session Chair: Saul Wold, Sun Microsystems
Optimizing Precision Overhead for x86 Processors
Takeshi Ogasawara, Hideaki Komatsu, and Toshio Nakatani, IBM Japan, Tokyo Research Laboratory
Experiences Porting the Jikes RVM to Linux/IA32
Bowen Alpern, Maria Butrico, Anthony Cocchi, Julian Dolby, Stephen Fink, David Grove, and Ton Ngo, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
3:00 pm3:30
pm Break
3:30 pm4:30
JVM Architecture
Session Chair: Urs Gleim, Siemens AG
A Modular and Extensible JVM Infrastructure
Patrick Doyle and Tarek S. Abdelrahman, University of Toronto
Cross-Architectural Performance Portability of a Java Virtual Machine Implementation
Matthias Jacob, Princeton University; Keith Randall, Google, Inc.
4:30 pm5:30
Compilers 1
Session Chair: David Grove, IBM Research
Awarded Best Paper! An Empirical Study of Method In-lining for a Java Just-in-Time Compiler
Toshio Suganuma, Toshiaki Yasue, and Toshio Nakatani, IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
Stress-testing Control Structures for Dynamic Dispatch in Java
Olivier Zendra, INRIA Lorraine-LORIA/McGill University; and Karel Driesen, McGill University
AUGUST 2, 2002
9:00 am10:30
Invited Talk: Research Opportunities and Research Challenges
David Tarditi, Microsoft Research
Microsoft's Common Language Runtime is a target for multiple languages, including C#, C++, and Visual Basic. As such, the CLR presents new opportunities and challenges for researchers working on compilers and runtime systems. I will give a brief overview of the CLR, CIL (the Common Intermediate Language), and C# and will discuss aspects of a multi-language VM that researchers may find novel or unfamiliar. I will then describe opportunities and challenges that these aspects present to researchers, drawing on my experience working on Marmot, a research optimizing compiler for Java, and Bartok, a research optimizing compiler for CIL.
10:30 am11:00
am Break
11:00 am12:30
Real Time and Embedded
Session Chair: David Hardin, Ajile Systems
A Just-in-Time Compiler for Memory-Constrained Low-Power Devices
Nik Shaylor, Sun Microsystems
sEc: A Portable Interpreter Optimizing Technique for Embedded Java Virtual Machine
Venugopal K S, Geetha Manjunath, and Venkatesh Krishnan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
JaRTS: A Portable Implementation of Real-Time Core Extensions for Java
Urs Gleim, Siemens AG
12:30 pm2:00
pm Lunch
2:00 pm3:00
Work-in-Progress Reports
Session Chair: Jaejin Lee, Michigan State University
Short, pithy, and fun, Work-in-Progress reports introduce interesting new or
ongoing work, and the JVM audience provides valuable discussion and feedback.
A schedule of presentations will be posted at the conference. If you are interested in presenting your Work-in-Progress, please see
the WiP Call for Papers.
Here is the latest List of Presentations.
3:00 pm3:30
pm Break
3:30 pm5:00
Compilers 2
Session Chair: Matt Welsh, University of California, Berkeley
Targeting Dynamic Compilation for Embedded Environments
Michael Chen and Kunle Olukotun, Stanford University
Awarded Best Student Paper! Supporting Binary Compatibility with Static Compilation
Dachuan Yu, Zhong Shao, and Valery Trifonov, Yale University
A Lightweight Java Virtual Machine for a Stack-Based Microprocessor
Mirko Raner, PTSC
At the End of the Day . . . Symposium Wrap-up and Town Hall Discussion
Sam Midkiff, Symposium Chair, and the Symposium participants
Participation welcome! Attend this session to give your input and help plan the future of the JVM Symposium!
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