JVM '01 Paper   
[JVM '01 Tech Program Index]
Pp. 117126 of the Proceedings |  |
The HotSpot Serviceability Agent: An out-of-process high level
debugger for a Java virtual machine
Kenneth Russell1 and Lars Bak2
Sun Microsystems
1901 San Antonio Road, M/S UCUP02-302, Palo Alto, CA 94303.
2Computer Science Department, Aarhus University,
Aabogade 34, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
The HotSpot Serviceability Agent (SA) is a set
of APIs for the Java programming language which model the state
of Sun Microsystems' Java HotSpot Virtual Machine. Unlike most
previous debugging systems for dynamic languages which assume a
"cooperative" model in which the target process runs code to assist
in the debugging process, the SA requires no code to be run in the
target VM. Instead, it uses primitives like symbol lookup and reading
of process memory to implement its functionality. The SA can
transparently examine either live processes or core files, making it
suitable for debugging both the VM itself and Java programs in
production. We describe the design and implementation of the SA,
comparing it to other debugging systems for both statically compiled
and dynamic languages, and illustrate future directions for this
The Java HotSpot Virtual Machine implementation (hereafter referred to
as the HotSpot JVM) is Sun Microsystems' high-performance VM for the
Java platform (an arbitrary Java virtual machine implementation is
hereafter referred to as a JVM). HotSpot's origins are in language
research in Beta [18], Smalltalk [6], and Self [12] [13]. The HotSpot JVM uses many advanced
techniques to achieve high performance. The system employs a
mixed-mode assembly interpreter which shares the stack with both C
code and Java programming language methods (Java methods) compiled to
machine code. Run-time profiling focuses compilation effort only on
"hot" methods. Dynamic deoptimization [14] allows a compiled method to revert
back to the interpreted state if invariants under which the method was
compiled are compromised by future class loads. The ability to
deoptimize allows the compiler to perform aggressive optimization and
How does one debug the product version of a highly-optimizing JVM which
is written largely in C or C++? Such a JVM
- tends to operate with generated machine code, and to merge the
C++ and Java virtual machine stacks (Java stacks). Activations on
the stack corresponding to invocations of Java methods (Java frames)
show up in a C++ debugger as raw program counters with no
corresponding symbol.
- may have a highly-optimizing compiler. An activation on the
stack may correspond to more than one Java method invocation,
because of inlining.
- may encode many of its run-time data structures to save space.
- will not have available debug information for the C++ data
structures describing portions of the run-time system such as the
layout of the heap.
In short, when one examines the product version of such a JVM with a
traditional C++ debugger, one deals with raw bits. All of the
high-level abstract data types are gone.

- Figure 1: An object inspector built with the SA's APIs.
The HotSpot Serviceability Agent is a set of APIs for the Java
programming language which recover this high-level state from a
product-mode HotSpot JVM or a core file. Clients of the SA can use
its APIs to write application-specific tools, debugging aids, and
querying operations which operate directly on a target JVM and in a
completely non-intrusive fashion; Figure 1
illustrates an object inspector built on top of the SA's APIs. Unlike
most debuggers for dynamic languages, the SA requires no code to be
run in the target JVM. It is therefore robust in the face of JVM
failures. This property is what allows it to operate as a post-mortem
JVM debugger. The SA is also applicable to more situations than just
debugging the JVM; for example, end users can use it to write heap
profilers which operate on servers in production without taking them
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 compares the SA to other work in the field
of debugging.
Section 3 describes its contributions.
Section 4 gives a concrete example of walking the JVM's
thread list, and describes how the SA's APIs relate to the target JVM.
Section 5 describes how the SA obtains type and offset
information for C++ data structures in the target JVM.
Section 6 details the low-level debugging primitives
used by the SA.
Section 7 explains the traversal of the remote JVM's
heap, and gives an example of an object histogram.
Section 8 describes how the SA walks the remote JVM's
Java stacks.
Section 9 discusses future work.
We partition related work into two categories: debuggers for
statically compiled languages (e.g., C, C++ Fortran, Modula-2) and
"dynamic languages", which are typically characterized by the ability
to load and/or compile code at run time and which typically have a
substantial run-time system including a garbage collector.
The two standard UNIX debuggers, dbx [17] and gdb
[25], assume the model of an uncooperative
debugging target. In this model it is assumed that the target process
may be dead, in which case only examination-only operations are
allowed. While both debuggers have a "call" facility which allows
an arbitrary procedure to be executed in the target process if it is
alive, a large percentage of the debugging tools are available for use
on core files. These debuggers are language-independent, but have
only been developed in the realm of statically-compiled languages like
C, C++ Fortran, and Modula-2.
Higher-level debugging tools for statically compiled languages have
been developed as well. Sosic [23] describes a set of APIs
which were used to implement debuggers in the Dynascope distributed
system; these APIs map closely to much of the functionality provided
in dbx and gdb. The notion of modeling the contents of the remote
process's heap is introduced with an example of copying a linked list
from one process to another assuming that the two processes are
written in the same language. While language independence is claimed,
no language other than C is described. Gough, Ledermann and Elms
[11] describe a substantially different type of debugger
which is targeted toward fully optimized machine code. Their system
works in a "forward" fashion, using a modified compiler to evaluate
expressions in the context of optimized code, rather than attempting
to annotate the generated code with debugging information. This
system also claims language independence, but was developed for
statically-compiled languages like C, Pascal and Modula-2
[7]. Both of the systems described in Sosic and Gough et
al. use an agent embedded in the target process to implement all of
the functionality, thereby requiring that the target process be alive.
Debuggers for dynamic languages generally assume a cooperative
debugging model; that is, the debugger cooperates with the execution
environment (or virtual machine or "VM") for the language in order
to allow debugging of programs written in the language. The debugger
may be implemented in-process as in Perl [1], Python
[29], and Scheme [2] or out-of-process using a
wire protocol as in Spinellis' two-process Prolog debugger
[24] or as in the Java Platform Debugger Architecture
[19]. Some debuggers for safe languages like Tolmach and
Appel's Standard ML debugger [27] and the Objective Caml
debugger [8] take advantage of the safety of the target
language to provide facilities not commonly found in debuggers for
statically-compiled languages, such as the ability to step backward
through the execution of the program. Gill's post-mortem debugger for
Haskell [10] is in the same vein as the SA an
examination-only system, but is post-mortem in the sense that the
Haskell program has terminated abruptly, not the entire run-time
system. All of these systems assume that code can be run in the
target VM. Squeak [15] was developed and debugged using
itself; the debugging methodology used was to prototype and debug in
Smalltalk and then translate to C for high performance. Debugging a
crashed Smalltalk VM is not discussed. Lisp systems, like the Allegro
Common Lisp environment [9], often have the capability to
dump an executable image. However, it appears that it is not possible
to debug such a dumped image without running code in it.
The Jalapeño project has developed a JVM written in the Java
programming language which is based around compiling Java bytecode to
machine code [5]. Because nearly all of the code being
executed is generated by the system itself, a traditional (C or
C++\) debugger is of no help in examining data structures. The
debugging system for Jalapeño [21] uses the same
mechanisms used by dbx, gdb, and the SA to attach to a target JVM and
read its process memory without running code in the target. A unique
aspect of the Jalapeño debugger is that since both the debugger
and the JVM being debugged are written in Java, a modified Java
interpreter can be used to execute the debugger's code which allows
the JVM's data structures to debug themselves. This aspect of the
Jalapeño debugger goes beyond what the SA can currently do, since
the HotSpot JVM is implemented in C++.
Compared to previous work, the HotSpot Serviceability Agent is closest
in design to the Jalapeño debugger [21], which is also
constructed around examination-only, out-of-process operations. In
addition, the Jalapeño system, by taking advantage of the fact
that the debugger and target JVM are implemented in the same language,
achieves a level of elegance not currently possible with the SA.
The HotSpot Serviceability Agent was designed to be able to diagnose
JVM failures. This requirement informed several design decisions,
including that no code is run in the target process. The SA is
currently an examination-only system, meaning that it derives all of
its information using low-level primitives like symbol lookup and
reading memory from a remote process. This allows it to work both by
attaching to a running process as well as reading a core file. It can
also run its code in an arbitrary JVM.
Compared to the Jalapeño work, this paper contributes a deeper
discussion of debugging in the face of JVM failures, especially
regarding heap and stack traversal. It describes a new architecture
for interacting with remote Java objects which is similarly applicable
to a run-time system. It discusses cross-language issues which arise
when the target JVM is not implemented in Java. Finally, it analyzes
the modeling process used to describe JVM data structures and discusses
possible alternative implementations.
Because of the architectural similarities between the SA and the
Jalapeño debugger, throughout this paper we explicitly point out
some of the differences between the two systems. Chief among these is
that the SA has been used to successfully diagnose difficult bugs in
the production HotSpot JVM, whereas Jalapeño is a research system.
The HotSpot JVM maintains information indicating what kind of code
each Java thread is executing: JVM-internal code, "native" code
[16], or Java code. Consider the simple example of
traversing the target JVM's thread list and determining this

- Figure 2: Illustration of the mirroring of the JVM's data structures
in the SA. (A) shows a subset of the JVM's JavaThread code,
including the state of the thread (in JVM code, in native code, or
in Java code) and the structure of the thread list. (B) illustrates
the memory layout of this data structure in the JVM's address space;
starting with the global thread list, JavaThread objects are linked
together. (C) shows the SA code which accesses this data
structure. Access to the start of the list is not shown.
Figure 2 provides a diagram of the interaction between
the SA and the target JVM. The JVM uses the C++ data structure in
2A to describe the thread list. A static pointer
in class Threads points to the head of the list. The memory
layout of the resulting objects in the target JVM is shown in
2B. Figure 2C illustrates the
analogous code from the SA. The SA does not actually use hard-coded
offsets, as is described and illustrated later.
The APIs in the SA mirror the C++ structures. When an object created
by the SA's code models an object in the target JVM, it fetches data
from the target using the Address abstraction, which contains
the illustrated methods as well as those which fetch strongly-typed,
Java-sized primitive data like byte getJByteAt(long offset) and
short getJShortAt(long offset).
In order to avoid hardcoded offsets in the SA's code (as used in
Figure 2), it is necessary to model the types and
structures of C++ objects in the target JVM, so that fields can be
fetched by name. There are several ways that this structural
information can be obtained, the most widely used and automatic being
to have the C++ compiler generate debugging information such as
stabs [17] during the build. These annotations are stored
in the object file and resulting linked shared object or executable
and can be parsed by the C++ debugger on the same platform.
The HotSpot JVM contains some classes which have fields defined to be
the same sizes as some of the Java primitive types; for example, the C
type jshort, defined by the JNI specification [16], is
identical in size and signedness to the Java type short. In
order to reduce the possibility of accidental errors in the SA's code,
it was necessary to understand which fields in C++ types were actually
"Java fields" and expose their contents as the correct Java
primitive types in the SA.
The nature of the process by which stabs and other debug information
are generated typically loses such type information; for example, a
jshort may be typedefed to a C short int or similar, and
the debug information for a data structure containing a field of that
type will identify the given field as a short int, not a
jshort. This information loss was deemed unacceptable in the type
modeling process for the SA.

- Figure 3: Modeling of C++ types in the SA. (A) shows the
structure of one of the JVM's three type tables and the global symbols
used to access and describe it. (B) highlights the salient aspects of
the TypeDataBase and Type interfaces. (C) shows a portion of the
actual SA code; compare to the hardcoded offsets in Figure 2.
For this reason, the structural information provided by the target JVM
to the SA is presented in the form of three tables which are generated
by C++ preprocessor macros and compiled into the target JVM. We
illustrate only the first of these tables in Figure 3A.
This table contains name, type, and offset or address information for
nonstatic and static fields, respectively. The second table models
the C++ inheritance hierarchy, and the third provides named integer
constants needed by the SA to properly traverse data structures. The
SA uses a general symbol lookup mechanism to locate these tables and
parses them upon attaching to the target JVM or core file, effectively
downloading the information it needs to analyze the remote JVM.
This approach has two additional advantages over using the compiler's
raw debug information: first, since the symbols being referenced in
the SA are explicitly exported by the JVM, changes to the JVM code
which are incompatible with the SA's code are often encountered at
build time as a failure during compilation of the side tables.
Second, it reduces porting time by eliminating the need to understand
the platform-specific debugging information generated by the C++\
The structural information for C++ types is stored in a
TypeDataBase (Figure 3B), which supports looking up a
Type by name. From the Type, Fields can be fetched
by name. The Field mechanism provides type checking between the
SA's code and the target JVM, in addition to ensuring that field
offsets are always kept synchronized as in Figure 3C.
Because the SA models C++ types as first-class Java objects, the
relatively simple current implementation of the type system can be
straightforwardly extended in the future.

- Figure 4: Block diagram of connections between the SA and the target
HotSpot JVM on Solaris.
The SA is built on top of a few very simple debugging primitives,
- attach to remote process or core file
- lookup symbol in remote process
- read remote process memory
The Solaris Operating Environment (hereafter Solaris)
version of the SA uses the native debugger, dbx, to obtain this
functionality, encapsulating it in a small interface called
When the SA is launched, it uses java.lang.Runtime.exec()
to launch a subordinate dbx process. It sends commands to dbx to load
and execute a small piece of self-contained C++ code, called an
import module (Figure 4), and either to attach to the
target HotSpot JVM (causing it to be suspended, as with any program
being debugged) or to load a core file. The import module
communicates with dbx via a small set of internal APIs and with the SA
using a custom text-based protocol over a socket, and provides the SA
with the above debugging primitives. The SA itself is written
entirely in Java.
The only significant additional mechanism that has been added to the
SA's Debugger interface as the system has evolved is the ability
to query the CPU register set for a given thread. The need for this
is described in Section 8.
Compared to the Jalapeño debugger, the SA explicitly models the
interaction with the remote address space. This was a requirement
since the target JVM was not implemented in Java and, therefore, JVM
data structures could not be directly repurposed (and still write the
SA in Java). Explicitly describing the interaction with the remote
address space conveys two additional advantages: first, it describes
failures using the Java language (for example, by throwing an
UnmappedAddressException), and thereby allows the debugging system to
become more robust where necessary: see Section 7.
Second, it opens up the possibility for language-independent debuggers
written in Java; for example, the SA's modeling of C++ types is the
first small step toward writing a C++ debugger. This is discussed
further in Section 9.
The SA exposes HotSpot's generational [28] garbage
collection framework in an abstraction called the ObjectHeap.
The most significant operation provided by this abstraction is the
ability to uniformly visit all fields in all objects in the heap.
These objects include both Java objects as well as JVM-internal
reflective objects like methods and classes. For this reason objects
are termed Oops, a term borrowed from the Smalltalk community.
// An OopVisitor can be used to inspect
// all fields within an object.
// Fields include vm fields, java
// fields, indexable fields.
public interface OopVisitor {
// Called before visiting an object
public void prologue();
// Called after visiting an object
public void epilogue();
public void setObj(Oop obj);
// Returns the object being visited
public Oop getObj();
// Callback methods for each field type in an object
public void doOop(OopField field);
public void doByte(ByteField field);
public void doChar(CharField field);
public void doBoolean(BooleanField field);
public void doShort(ShortField field);
public void doInt(IntField field);
public void doLong(LongField field);
public void doFloat(FloatField field);
public void doDouble(DoubleField field);
public void doCInt(CIntField field);
- Figure 5: The OopVisitor interface, which provides uniform iteration over all objects in the heap.

- Figure 6: Histogram of objects in the heap.
Figure 5 illustrates the iteration mechanism
provided to clients. Implementing debugging and profiling tools as
shown in Figures 1 and 6 requires very
little additional code.
The iteration mechanism can be made robust in the face of JVM failures.
Consider the situation where a bad pointer has been stored in an
object field of a Java object. Constructing an Oop for the
value stored in that field will likely result in an
UnmappedAddressException or UnalignedAddressException. Client
code, for example in an object inspector, can explicitly catch these
exceptions and raise a red flag in the user interface if one arises.
It is not clear from the description of the Jalapeño debugger how
similar functionality is provided, since it seems that such exceptions
are not modeled explicitly in the Java language, but instead handled
somehow by the underlying remote-aware interpreter.

- Figure 7: Stack memory annotated with Java frames and live objects.
A debugger is hardly useful if it does not provide detailed
information about where the program has failed. In the context of
debugging a static program, for example from a core file, this means
providing a stack backtrace of all threads. Figure 7
shows the trace for one thread.
The HotSpot JVM necessarily has internal abstractions for describing
and walking the stack; it performs type-precise garbage collection
[4], and must therefore be able to walk the stacks of all
Java threads at GC time, precisely locating all pointers to live Java
objects and updating those pointers if the object is moved during GC.
The HotSpot JVM uses a safepointing mechanism [3] to halt
execution of interpreted or compiled Java code only when the locations
of all objects are known precisely. (Recent work has described how to
eliminate the need for safepoints for the purposes of garbage
collection [26], but HotSpot also uses safepoints for
other system-wide operations such as deoptimization.) Metadata
generated by HotSpot's compilers describes the state of compiled code
in great detail at safepoints, including any inlining the compiler may
have performed.
The code in HotSpot's run-time system was designed to operate at
safepoints. In a debugging scenario, however, the JVM will in general
not be at a safepoint; it may be suspended, or may have crashed, at an
arbitrary point in its execution.
The SA's stackwalking code was ported from the JVM and modified over
time to handle problems which arise when the JVM is not at a safepoint:
- the JVM may not have metadata for a program counter in compiled
Java code. In this case the metadata associated with the closest
possible PC is used, unless there is no such information (as in a leaf
method), in which case the iteration code assumes that there is, for
example, no inlining.
- an interpreter frame may not have been set up yet, yielding an
incorrect bytecode index. In this case the iteration code skips the
topmost frame on the stack.
- a thread executing generated machine code may have been
interrupted by a signal.
- the topmost Java frame may not be available to the run-time
system at all.
The latter problem is the most significant. When the JVM reaches a
safepoint, each thread currently executing Java code enters the
run-time system, storing its last known Java stack pointer into
thread-local storage in preparation for stack traversal. The JVM's
run-time code traverses only Java frames, skipping around sequences of
C frames. In a debugging scenario the entire topmost sequence of Java
frames for a given thread will be unreachable with the JVM's built-in
stackwalking code if the thread was suspended (or crashed) while
executing either interpreted or compiled Java code.
The SA solves this problem by using the Debugger interface to
fetch the last known stack pointer for a given thread
(Section 6). Given that stack pointer, it must be able
to walk backward to find the first Java frame on the stack, proceeding
as usual from that point on. We have found that the JVM's run-time
code is basically adequate to handle this technique on the SPARC
architecture, but expect that in a forthcoming port to the x86 we will
have to implement a more general stackwalking mechanism to handle
cases where the frame pointer has been eliminated, as described by
Linton [17].
A full description of the technique for recognizing and traversing
signal handler frames on the stack is beyond the scope of this paper.
We briefly note that we have implemented a not-quite-satisfactory
mechanism on the SPARC architecture as an extension to the SA's port
of the JVM's run-time code.
Our experience has been that implementing stackwalking in the context
of a debugging system has been non-trivial. The Jalapeño debugger
rightly emphasizes its reuse of JVM code in examining the remote JVM's
data structures. We have found, however, that in order to handle and
diagnose JVM failures, significant divergence from the JVM's code is
required in the area of stackwalking.
The Serviceability Agent is similar in architecture to the
Jalapeño debugger. The most interesting aspect of the latter is
that the same code can both implement and debug the JVM's run-time
system. A valid criticism of the SA is that it requires duplication
of JVM code, since the SA and JVM are implemented in different
languages (and necessarily with different underlying architectures).
We have found a few unexpected instances of version skew which
silently broke the SA. For the most part, however, the table-based
symbol export mechanism described in Section 5 provides
early warning when the SA will break. Roughly 13,000 lines of the
SA's 35,000 lines of code must track the VM with varying degrees of
Compared to other previous work, the SA appears to be the first system
which has the ability to debug in a high-level manner data structures
from both static languages like C++ and dynamic languages like Java.
Other dynamic languages could be targeted by the SA by using its
debugging primitives to model the run-time system of the target VM, as
has been done for HotSpot. This is currently a labor-intensive
process but has the advantage of providing a true post-mortem debugger.
The SA operates either on a JVM that has been suspended by
platform-specific debugging mechanisms or on a core file. Solaris
contains a program called gcore which takes a core file snapshot
of a running process without terminating that process; it is
frequently used in conjunction with dbx to examine the state of
production systems written in C or C++ rather than attaching a
debugger directly [22]. The SA allows gcore to be
used for Java programs as well. The speed of the SA's access to the
target JVM's heap is substantially slower than that enabled by the
current standard API, the Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface
[20]. However, JVMPI imposes a significant performance
overhead to the normal running of the application. Used in
conjunction with gcore, the SA only has the impact of suspending the
process while taking the snapshot, which takes a few seconds for
programs of normal heap size.
An early design decision was to use only examination-only debugging
primitives, to make the goal of the system clear and to explore what
was possible to build using them. If the target JVM is alive (not a
core file) and running properly, being able to write to the process
memory would facilitate more rich interactions when debugging. Some
of the possible features, like setting fields, would be
straightforward to implement and would not require JVM code changes,
while others, like setting breakpoints, would likely require a
substantial amount of supporting code in the JVM. An advantage of the
SA's architecture is that it could degrade gracefully back to an
examination-only system if the JVM crashed.
In the future, we plan to complete support for Solaris/x86, Linux, and
Win32. We will continue to expand the SA's knowledge of JVM data
structures. We plan to write more tools using the SA's APIs, and to
explore the addition of debugging primitives which affect the state of
the target JVM. We will investigate if it would make sense from a
performance or footprint standpoint to rewrite portions of the JVM's
run-time system in Java.
We thank Ivan Soleimanipour and Siva Annamalai for their help with the
system's use of dbx; our managers, Jerry Driscoll and Tricia Jordan,
for their support of the project, especially in its early stages; the
entire HotSpot group for encouragement; and Robert Griesemer in
particular for reviewing early drafts of this paper. We also thank the
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.
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