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Related Work

Various approaches for specifying, modeling, analyzing, and assessing security have been proposed in the past (see, for instance, [8,9,10,11]). These approaches mainly focus on ways to build secure (software) systems by providing methodologies and techniques to develop and analyze systems, subsystems, and their execution environment. However, in procedural rich scenario, namely in situation in which security breaches may be carried out on outputs and assets which may be produced by ICT systems, (most of) the proposed approaches do not fit well.

To our knowledge, so far, formal procedural security analysis is quite an unexplored area. However, various work have been going on the representation and effective implementation of e-voting procedures using business process notations. In this area, the work closest in spirit to ours can be found in [20,21], where the authors argue the need for procedural security in electronic elections and provide various examples of procedural risks occurred during trials in UK. The same authors in [22] also investigate the need for applying business process re-engineering to electoral process. Our focus, however, is on the technical machinery to automate analyses.

In [23,24], the authors stress the importance to define roles and responsibilities within the e-voting process in order to come with a better understanding of electoral processes. Our approach complement and possibly extend these works by providing tools to support such analyses.

Last but not least, Volha et al. [25] presented an approach to reason on security properties of the to-be models (which are derived from as-is model) in order to evaluate procedural alternatives in e-voting systems. In particular, using formal approach (using Datalog [26] and its underlying theorem prover) they express and verify security concerns (such as, delegation of responsibility among untrusted parties, trust conflict and so on). The aim is that of understanding problematic trust/delegation relationships and eventually finding ways to adopt a solution to the detected security properties violations.

komminist 2008-06-30