Jennifer Petoff, Google Portugal, and Catalina Rete, Google Ireland
Site Reliability Engineering principles, best practices, and culture do not feature systematically in the undergraduate curriculum around the world. Nor do principles of non-abstract large system design. Despite this, students can be taught (and learn through experience) to be great SREs upon graduation.
This talk will equip SRE hiring managers with creative ways to build a pipeline of talent. We’ll share techniques that we’ve found to be effective in super-charging our SRE hiring pipeline from universities in Ireland.
Jennifer Petoff, Google Portugal

Jennifer Petoff is Director of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) & Technical Infrastructure (TI) Education and is based in Lisbon, Portugal. She leads training programs for Google's GCP and TI Engineering Teams. Jennifer is one of the co-editors of the best-selling book, Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems; lead author of Training Site Reliability Engineers: What Your Organization Needs to Create a Learning Program; and is a regular speaker at DevOps and SRE conferences around the world.
Catalina Rete, Google Ireland

Catalina Rete is a Site Reliability Engineer in the AdsML SRE team in Dublin. Her team ensures the reliability of one of the largest machine-learning pipelines in the world. Catalina interned a total of three times with Google and now she has just celebrated her 2 year Google anniversary since joining a full time position!

author = {Jennifer Petoff and Catalina Rete},
title = {New Grads Becoming New {SREs}: Catalyzing a {{\textquotedblleft}Circle} of {Life{\textquotedblright}} in Ireland},
year = {2023},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct